Lost In Cyber Search……planer test?

My electric hand planer bit the dust yesterday. Went to search mode for the planer survey/test that I remember from someplace in the back of my mind.
The search mode is a frustrating and nonproductive tool for me………..so off to the basement to read the edges of past copies of FHB & FWW. That was also a negative.
Can anyone give me some help with an issue #, and tell me how to make the “search” mode produce related results?
Lost in cyber search………………….Iron Helix
Looks like #31 and #91, with a response letter in #93.
I tried looking for survey first. That didn't produce anything, so I clicked on P and scrolled down to planers. 13 articles. Didn't take long to look thrugh them.
The search is completely useless, because it's not a full text search. Articles are only indexed by whatever key word(s) somebody plucked out of the air the day they were indexed. Like survey. They've published dozens of tool surveys, but no survey in the index.
I found one thread but the link was wrong. Search function bites.
If you describe the problem I may be able to walk you thru a fix.
Edited 9/29/2002 2:04:14 PM ET by kkearney
Dunc & XKK............
...it seems prospero's search engine totally lacks any logical capacity, Dr. Spock would find that illogical!! So do I!! KK the fix belongs to the system...........the logics are fowled. I'll look up Unc Dunc's numbers and be back at you.
Thanks for the assist......................Mike
I was talking about fixing the planer. BTW I use the Makita planer.
KK./Dunc............Old planer literally smoked. The armature melted around the cummutator ring. No compaints used it off and on for 30 years, time to buy a modern new one.
Whats amazing is that I can remember the article's pictures and would have bet money that the FHB issue was in the last three years. But Dunc's information listed a #91............my how time does fly--------it is dated Nov. 1994. Does that speak of getting older, or what!
At any rate, my inquiry/search was limited to the last 5 years. My mind is the glitch not Prospero/BT.............my humble apologies to Andy.
Since the article is dated by 8 years, does anyone have a current "survey/test for the newer Power Planers?
Again thanks to all....................Iron Helix
You might try the Tools of the Trade web site. I think that I have seen one in the last 2 or 3 years.
If not try the JLC website. But they don't tell you the issue, but brings up the article and except for the one or two that are posted each month they cost $5.
Thanks, Bill..............I'll see what is available !
..................Iron Helix
I don't think Prospero has anything to do with the magazine web sites. The Prospero software is just for the forums. I've had pretty good luck with the forum search since I started using the Advanced Search. I think the simple search uses the same parameters that come up as default in the Advanced Search, which would mean that it only looks through the last 30 days of messages, thereby failing to find messages you know are there. The magazine index search in the magazine web sites is, as I said before, useless.