Hi. Any thoughts on the best way to make a house “neutralized” from cigarette smoke. The house we are about to purchase have owners that have smoked like chimney’s during the past 5 years (I don’t think they ever opened a window!). We plan on removing all the carpets and finishes that absorb smoke and wiping the woodwork down with something then painting everything. Any recommendations on any products or procedures would be welcome. Thanks for all of your help in advance.
Edited 5/8/2002 8:23:16 PM ET by EKISTIC
Sodium triphosphate for washing.
Kilz for primer/sealer paint.
We dealt with this all the time in the rental business. Most times we only had a few days to get a unit ready to show. Mr Clean the kitchen and bathrooms. 2 coats of wall paint, get rid of any fabric, carpets, rugs. Air out. Fresh as a daisy.
My wife does a lot of professional cleaning and used to be head housekeeper for a guy named Travolta. She likes the new orange/citrus cleaners and a product called oxyclean - not that I know anything about it from that point of view....Excellence is its own reward!
I agree with Piffin. TSP has also worked for me in the past.