Marvin Integrity All Ultrex Fiberglass Windows experiences

I’m doing a remodel to my ’56 ranch in So. Cal. Considering using Marvin Integrity All Ultrex fiberglass windows for new construction part of the remodel. Hard to get excited about fiberglass, but guess their better than vinyl and dont want paint maintenance hassle or cost of wood windows. Anyone have good or bad experience with them ? What happens in X years when the crank mechansim for the casement window fails? Looking at some casements and gliders.
I don't understand the concern about wood on the outside. Our Andersen windows are 34 years old, have been repainted three times, look as good as the day they were installed.
People don't like painting them
but there is a definite appeal to wooden windows. I'm working on a very, very nice house right now, all of the windows are painted VG fir, fixed and casement units. The sash are 1-3/4 thick and beautifully made--look at the tops or bottoms and see the mortise-and-tenon slipjoints. They have been really well maintained. As much as I like aluminum clad/wood windows, these are a lot nicer.
I've got nothing but good results. Nice millwork on the inside.
i'm in the middle of a remodel. Just replaced 40-year old casements with the All Ultrex windows from Marvin. I spent a fair amount of time researching replacements and settled on the All Ultrex Integrity. Unfortunately, it's been one problem after another. Of the first 12 windows, one had a sash manufactured from 2 different colors and one had a cracked sash (whether it was cracked in shipping or at the factor I've no idea - and neither does Marvin). One of the casements was shipped without a screen. A replacement was shipped, but did not fit and had to be ordered again (I'm still waiting). Take caution if you order a sliding door - they are flimsy - not good quality. I paid $1700 for a sliding door. And, the $900 Pell Pro-Line at Lowe's feels like 10 times the quality. The sliding windows do not have rollers -- it's fiberglass on fiberglass friction. Once of the regional sales VPs for Marvin came out to discuss my problems with the GM from the local supplier. He generously offered me a "courtesy discount." But, would not even come close to acknowledging Marvin has serious quality issues. A letter to the CEO (Susan Marvin) was answered by her admin and didn't really offer any explanation at all. I won't ever buy Marvin products again.
Marvin Integrity All Ultrex Fiberglass Windows experiences
I currently have these windows in my house. Research is key, dont use the Marvin website. It claims all kinds of things that aren't true.
First: these windows look really nice, but, if given the option of a built in J channel dont do it. The channels simply click in place and move dependant ofthe weather. On a cold day they shrink and leave large gaps in the corners. On a hot day they expand and push the corners out making them look twisted.
Second: The craftsman ship of building these windows is poor at best. If you ever get a change to see a window in person I would highly recommend looking at all the joints. The way they are put together is awful. We have gaps in out joints that are roughly 1/8 inch wide. Because of this, every time it rains we have to go window to window and clean up the water that leaks in. Marvin has sent a representative to the house 5 times and hasn't fixed a thing. They have even recaulked the joints with no avail.
Third: These windows leak more outside air than any window I have ever installed. (many different windows, including cheap ones) The reason for the leaking air is the bottom sash and gasket. Between the two there is a 1/16 inch gap that allow a lot of air to enter the house. Again, Marvin has been back 5 times, yet still doesn't have a good solution. We live in Maine, and it gets cold. Most recently on a December day my wife woke me up to tell me we have ice on the lift handle of the window. Which in awful strange because the house was 72 degree's. Marvin advertises these windows as being really efficient, part of a green building plan ( which is why we chose them). They couldn't be more wrong.
In my opinion I would look elsewhere. Marvin wood windows are among the bes,t but thier All Ultrex Series are in not up to par. Pella and Anderson make great vinyl clad windows in many colors if you want a good quality window that is in a permanent color.
Marvin Integrity All Ultrex
To the original poster, did you install the All Ultrex Integrity windows? If so, opinion?
Any other experiences with All Ultrex since the last activity o this thread by others? Thanks.
yes, installed 12 of them, so far so good, I'm in sunny southern california so maybe wont experience leaking problems like other post mentioned. They slide great, thermally seem to really block heat. The do cost alot though, a 55 x 50 something inch was $624 then I paid another $150 to have it installed. Ask me again in a few years.
Integrity Wood Ultrex Windows
We installed Wood Ultrex windows about 9 years ago on our ranch style house. We have cold winters and hot summers and the fiberglass sash on the outside has started peeling. They seemed to be nice windows until I noticed that. So far it has not affected their performance, but I did not buy windows that were going to crack. Tried going through my rep, and now have moved onto Marvin direct, we'll see how it turns out. Not entirely satisfied with them for the amount of money was spent.
SAme problem with cracking/lines
Hi there I have the exact same issue and only on certain windows and MArvin is trying to blame me of course. How did it end up working out for you? Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Paint peeling on sill
We installed Marvin Integrity windows in June 2014. It is May 2015 and the paint is cracking and peeling off the sill. We will go see the distributor tomorrow to see what to do. Anyone have any experience with peeling paint on the sills and what the fix is?
Marvin Integrity Windows - Paint Peeling On Sill
I have the same problem. We are obviously not the only people with the problem. I have 12 more windows to replace and am considering clads. I'm pasting in below the contents of a letter I sent yesterday to Marvin:
September 8, 2015
Susan I. Marvin, President
Marvin Windows & Doors, Inc.
Attn: Warranty Department.
PO Box 100
Warroad, MN 56763
Re: Service Request for Order # JFE00262
Dear Ms. Marvin:
On May 20, 2015, I noticed delaminating sills on four Marvin Integrity windows installed in July 2014. On that same day I spoke to your dealer, J. F. Johnson Lumber Company, and they sent Marvin a Service Request. As there had not been any communication from Marvin by June 30, 2015, another service request was sent (attached). I have received calls from your representative three times, the latest being today. However, I have received no written acknowledgement of the problem and moreover, in each case the Marvin contact has been initiated by me not your warranty department.
In early July your representative indicated that Marvin had hired a contractor, “Brushmasters”, to correct the problem with my windows as well as other buyers with similar warranty claims. I was assured that someone would be contacting me in July or in August (at the latest) to schedule a repair appointment. It is now September, almost four months since you were notified and, yet again, your representative, Dale, indicated that he just contacted Brushmasters and he was assured that I will receive a call. Even if that happens (doubtful) a call does not qualify as a repair.
Marvin’s “Promise” states that you “…use only the finest quality materials and deliver the highest levels of service. The result is products that uniquely distinguish the spaces where they are installed, through an experience that is unparalleled.” Do you consider your promise having been kept in my instance? If one contractor alone cannot provide the necessary service on a timely basis hire another contractor! As I tell my kids, it’s not hard.
Even if a product is defective, as inevitably will happen to products made by the best of companies, service then defines not only the product but the company.
please come back with the continuing story and hopefully satisfactory result.
Bob, I would love to hear how this played out and what was done to correct the problem. Can you please give us an update?
I used them on my last project and really liked them. Definetly better than vinyl. The draw backs are limited sizes, no extension jambs and they don't come with a pre-applied trim.