Hi all! I’m hoping to pick your brains on a fastening system or hardware that would secure approximately 40″ x 96″ MDF panels to a ceiling without nailing or screwing thru the surface. I am planning on using 3/8″ MDF on the walls (to reduce weight) and an “angled cleat system to hang them without issues but the panel pattern ( 1/4″ reveals ) ( yes 1/4″ over 28 ‘ and 10 panel both verticle and horizontal reveals. YIKES!!! ) needs to continue onto the ceiling. Only thing i’ve come up with so far is to use 3/4″ ( adding major weight to the application ) and machine a ” Hook tab” of sorts to all connecting edges and then screwing them in place with trim head screws along the edges much like you would if hanging slatwall…but with that amount of weight…what about in the feild? Any ideas would be great!
Well, you could always use velcro or mirror tape, but there's a bit of a safety issue when used on the ceiling, I suppose.
I'm thinking you could glue 2x2 or some such to the back of the pieces and somehow make use of that to hang it, but I don't have a specific method in mind.
Glue on some 2x2 blocking onto the back of these sheets with PL Premium, and shoot some broads in the back through the blocking and sheets at 45 degree angles to give a mechanical grip as well.
When you mount the panels, you will nail/screw in the blocking from the side face to the ceiling joists.
Well, I certainly don't agree with shooting broads in the back anyway, but all that shooting through the blocking and sheets will certainly ruin your ceiling.
What size midget do you need to screw the blocks to the ceiling joists? (And is the midget a broad?)