I am missing several misc structural wood “I” beams from a <!—-><!—->Central Michigan project <!—->.<!—-><!—-> <!—->
The dimensions are all 12″ width some are as long as 30′ and as short as ’20 <!—-><!—->
I am also missing a couple Glue Lam headers.<!—-> <!—->
Oh how they pound, raising the sound,
o'er hill and dale, telling their tale,
Gaily they ring while people sing
songs of good cheer, Christmas is here....
I hope I don't offend anyone or get in trouble.
I'm tellin'You're in deep stuff now...
Error, mistake, slip, blunder, or lapse? I prefer to think of it as an unfortunate juxtaposition of circumstances.
OK, how much to shut up?
>>>OK, how much to shut up?
Afew glu-lams and some I joists oughta do it._______________________________________________________________
What would Scooby do?
ahhhhhhhhh f u n n y .
You are truly a comedian.
Jim at Clark Customs