Mission (Barrel) Roof tile installation

I hired a licensed roofing contractor to pull off all the old roofing tiles, lay new layers of paper and hot-mop, then replace the tiles (reusing as much as can be salvaged as possible). To say the least, the result was terrible. The tiles were not nailed or wired to the deck or even set in roofing cement. They were not even set straight. The mortar is not sticking to the tiles… I assume because they neglected to soak them in water… so the thousands of pounds of tile roofing is just sitting on the house waiting for the next temblor. Yes, I live in CA. Is there any reason why the tiles cannot be removed again and nailed on properly? Do I need to lay battens or is it alright to nail straight through the hot mop? Should the tiles be woven tightly in the valleys or cut back to reveal the flashing? Thanks for any insight… PS the pitch is 3/12.
Is there any reason why the tiles cannot be removed again and nailed on properly? Do I need to lay battens or is it alright to nail straight through the hot mop? Should the tiles be woven tightly in the valleys or cut back to reveal the flashing? Thanks for any insight... PS the pitch is 3/12.
Not to add insult to injury, but is there any reason to believe they did the hot mop right since they botched every thing else? There's different ways to lay different types of tile. Some need battens, some don't. How was the tile installed originally? On battens or not? Were the valleys open or closed? Another method for underlayment is to use ice & water shield in lieu of the hot mop.
STOP, DROP, ..............ROCK 'N' ROLL
I only think the hot mop is okay because the roof didn't leak during the most recent rains. The tiles did not have battens originally and the valleys have metal valley flashing in them. Thanks for any insight, Neil