More problems from ceiling condensation

My earlier post “ceiling condensation” generated good comments. As I continue looking for trouble at this house, I find that a bathroom Casement window( 2’W x 4’H) will not open.
Finally got the window open and then could not close it. From the outside I saw that the frame was bulging inward by about 3/16th”. I am sure this is related to condensation in the ceiling because the bath fan was discovered to being dumping into the cavity between the rafters. Anyway, I plan to remove the casing and see if the RO is tight against the window frame. Also, I am thinking that maybe I can remove some of the outside caulking on the tight side and see if that would allow the window frame spring back out to its normal width.
I need good ideas on this problem..I can only see an alternative of removing the window and correcting the RO. What’s everyone think?
Pull the interior casings off and investigate. See how they filled between window frame and 2x's. Check out the framing methods, etc.
Some folks PACK in the fiberglass with screwdivers and deform the window.
Others use expanding foam....filling the 3-1/2" space in one shot, then the top sets and the stuff in the cavity is captured and as it expands it pushes out the frame bigtime.
Other bad scenarios include tight 2x frame dimensions and water intrusion that expands the lumber; out of square tight rough opening and the builder forced the install thus racking the window; no trim studs under the header.
Casements need a support shim directly under the hinge jamb to keep gravity from allowing dropping the supporting hinge jamb down and making ing the use of the operator impossible and ultimately causing the mechanism to be stripped.
Start with this and then tell us what you find!
What is the exterior siding?
.............Iron Helix
Outside siding is Tex 1=11 butted up to the windows and caulked. Caulk is very hard.Will let ya know what I find inside.