Mystery – perimeter box filled with coarse stone/cobbles

I’ve recently been doing some landscape work.
Durring the works, a curious box, like a window well but not as far from the exterior wall, became an issue. The box is filled with angular cobbles similar to the window wells.
I told the landscaper to leave the box as is. He wanted to initially fill it and overlay pavers. Since neither one of us knew why it was on the house, I told him to leave it as is. I thought it might be for drainage, venting, or other.
Unfortunately he went ahead and filled it with kitty litter size material (I would say 0-5mm. And now all the course stone is clogged with the fine granular material.
Does anyone know what the purpose of this type of box might be, and whether I should fully clean it out and replace with clean cobbles or river stone?
I will try and see if I can find any before photos of the box in my archives.
Thank you ,
Sounds like some sort of "dry
Sounds like some sort of "dry well" to me. Likely a downspout or other drain empties into it.
Thanks for the response Dan.
Possible. I think it may be in line with my drain in my basement.
I've attached the only picture I have from before. I will take, and post an after shot later.
Unfortunately the before shot is crowded with garden tools.
The green circle is the location of the window well. The red drawn in line is the approximate location of the "Dry well".
It may simply be that the previous owner didn't want drips from the sillcock (which I see above the area) to wash away the ground there.
Possible since their is also a tap above that location too. I've since dug it out and filled it with 3/4 net topped with river stone.
Photos attached