Nailing Specifics for Engineered Lumber. Securing Second floor to First Floor floor jOists
Hello All, I am looking for answer which I can not seem to find elsewhere.
How is the second floor bottom Plate secured to the OSB RImboard and engineered I-Joist which has a 2 x 3 flange
Nail vs. Screw. Size and length. Quantity?
user-6805150 wrote:
Hello All, I am looking for answer which I can not seem to find elsewhere.
How is the second floor bottom Plate secured to the OSB RImboard and engineered I-Joist which has a 2 x 3 flange
Nail vs. Screw. Size and length. Quantity?
Shows down around pgs 6-9 or so on my screen. Note the mention of squash blocks.
Got it.
Thank You Calvin.
Sure thing.....
Best of luck
Take your drawing a few steps further and put the sheathing on it. The sheathing is supposed to overlap the plates to tie it all together.