A bud of mine who is a painter told me a client of his had some sideing put on his house. The contractor used regular steel nails. Now the nail heads are rusting through the paint. He (the HO) dont mind paying to have his home repainted to cover it up when it gets to bad. But does anyone know of a way to correct this .
At Darkworks cut to size made to burn……Putty isnt a option
Sink 'em and fill the holes or spot prime the heads with a rust inhibitive primer.
Some people like to use aluminum paint to prime the rusty nailheads, but I don't know if it is better than a rust inhibitive primer. But do make sure that the primer is not latex.
Thanks guys Ill pass it on to him.
At Darkworks cut to size made to burn......Putty isnt a option
Somewhere I heard that the problem won't return if you use auto body putty over the countersunk nails. I do know that the stuff doesn't shrink when it dries so it might also save you a step.
the rust started before the paint was applied how long did the job sit before painting
you will need to hit each nail with rust preventing primer like kilz galvanized nails would not have helped