Need 20mm bit to redrill s blades-Where?

all the blades for the new table saw are 5/8″ arbor and the swiss saw is a 20mm arbor– they want beween $15-20 to redrill the arbors — want try to do it myself. Took a 7/8″ bit and ground it down but took off too much — need a place to go to to get one of these and can’t find one – tks
you might be better off having the mounting shaft ground to 5/8" assuming the "nut' will still work. Try contacting a company in Canada for a 20mm drill or use a 25/32" drill and finish with an ajustable reamer to finish. Use on some cheap blades to get the size right. (25/32=.78125" , 20mm=.7874") or just order 20mm arbor blades.
Go a machinest supply store (milwright).
There are several national ones that have internet sales. MSC and ENCO are two.
J&l has bits, but the hole must be precisely centered, and drilling this could be rather exciting if the bit jams up. A reamer would be my suggestion, but thats a pricey tool. I like the idea of modifying the arbor instead if at all possible.
What kind of saw is this, an Inca maybe? Do they have a 5/8 arbor that can be swapped in? Otherwise, I'd have the arbor ground down, as suggested. the only stock blades I've ever seen with a 20mm bore were for scoring saws, though you do see some 30 and 32mm, but that's no help to you. You'll have the same problem next blade you need to buy.
I've had one blade rebored....sent it to a machine shop, they charged me something like $50 Cadn. ten years ago, and they swore up and down they lost on the deal, and wouldn't do it again for that price. I wouldn't tackle it myself unless I was a machinist.cabinetmaker/college instructor. Cape Breton, N.S
Thanks for the web site and bookmarking it for me -- price was good too -- looked at Sears for one and could not get one so I tried to reduce the 7/8 bit but it jsut did not work the bits you pointed me to were only $8.50 - less thatn half the Sears price -- Ifigure its worth the gamble to try and drill a few rather than pay the $20 for each hole -- reducing hte shaft size is a good idea but would have to rethread and get all new washers etc -- thankks
The arbor must be precise. Any screw up and youll get hella wobble and vibration. See if a local machinist would do it cheaper or send them off. If you plan to use your blades for grooving, rabbeting, dadoing or precise kerfing chances are your blade wont be on the money. A basic drill press wont work out, either retool or pay a machinist who has digital presses