Need helping finding replacement parts for aluminum screen frames
My 20 year old money consuming house that I have been bringing out of a state of disrepair since I bought it needed the flooring of the screened in porch replaced. The project has been going somewhat smoothly other than the fact that i found that the rubber/plastic strip that locked the framed 40″ X 7′ extruded aluminum screen panels together proved to be extremely effective. The only way I was able to separate the panels was to cut this strip with a razor (both inside and outside). I have done some looking around on the internet to find a source for a new locking spline when i go to put these panel back in but so far I have struck out. Could you please look at the attached pictures and let me know if you know the manufacture of these aluminum extruded frames or a source for new locking splines.
Have you checked with any local window glass places? I've found that they frequently have such parts.
Good hardware's
that do screen replacement have surprised me in having parts for many different triple track corner connectors.
or, take a look at Blainehardware-online.
It appears to be around 5/8"
It appears to be around 5/8" wide, the outside which was exposed to sun was very brittle however the inside was much softer like rubber. So i suspect it was a rubber spline.