New Member/1st Posting with a Question

As a former subscriber (finances dictate not at this time 🙁 ) I love this magazine and all the help and info you can gleen from it. As such, I try to go to the book store and read current issues when possible. A few issues back, I read about info someone had offered about taping & mudding drywall/as if painting it? I believe there may’ve even been a video as well, but so far I haven’t been able to locate the article or video. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thanks for any help.
There's a Better Way
Here is the video:
Welcome to the board.
Most of us aren't subscribers, so don't let that worry you.
There was a FHB magazine issue a couple months back where Myron talked about the different level of finishes, and it really cleared up my conceptions.
In addition to that tip in the link, you would also use the roller to apply mud to the entire wall for a skim coat.
If you are just getting into drywall, keep one very important thing in mind: You only sand to remove tiny bumps, nothing more. If you are trying to grind out a problem, you are doing it wrong! Usually, the answer is to apply MORE mud, then feather it out.