I posted about moving to Oregon – I’ve also thought briefly of New Zealand. Anybody have any experience down there?
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There is no generic 2-ft. rule. Use the code tables to dial in joist spans and overhangs based on accurate engineering.
"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Alan wants to speak with ya...
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming
WOW!!! What a Ride!
Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
I think we know somebody heading that way for vacation soon too...
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
They dont have snakes, thats a plus!
Well we don't have snakes up here either - or scary poisonous spiders...just bears and meese.
If you haven't read the info on this website yet...ya might want to check it out. Seems to potentially answer some of the questions you have:
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
You have arrainged to meet up with AJ I presume? I'd love to see a picture of my Southern brother and the land he loves. One day I hope to share a cup of coffee with him.
Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
Yup....we are going to meet up.
Coffee be cool when we one day meet......but no pics though......I dont show up on film.
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
When we do coffee it'll be over a Trangia stove. LoL
Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hakasounds like a Kiwi version of an animated macerana~
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
CRAP - now I gotta pack my garlic necklace too?
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
I'm wondering how a thread with this title, "...looks good..." has gotten this far with no pictures yet!
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
True. I'm hoping Clara will fill in the blanks when she gets back.
Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
Be happy to...(dang you're getting to know me too well! "mizphotobug")
Me and my travel mates got a booking to do whitewater rafting on the Rangitata River...I think it's gonna be a BLAST! Ck this out:
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Looks like a blast.
Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
Yeah man!
I'm bringing a 256MB photostick for my camera...wonder if it'll be enuf? <g>
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Not if it's as good as they say it is.
Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
oh man...you may be right.
ok, am adding another one to my list of things to "pick up before i pack" list...at least the price of them puppies has gone down quite a bit since I bought that one!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Always take a spare.
Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
Sam's has 'em cheap... Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Grrrrrr...gonna make me drive to LR eh? oh well
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
1 and 2 GB cards...Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
OMG - you want me to be resizing and whatnot...a LOT upon my return!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
tell yur camera to take sensible sized pics to start with..
then you canbring back a lot more..Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Maybe go to an internet cafe and unload and send home that way?
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
I was wondering about that very thing...
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
84393.67 in reply to 84393.66
Maybe go to an internet cafe and unload and send home that way?
did not work most of the time. Lots had trouble copying to CD. Only in big touristplaces (Queenstown, Auckland). Did not help to run out in between.
Importing cars? Maybe you make some money if you can bring in the truck cheaply from the States. I saw a brandnew Dodge Diesel loaded in Nelson for over NZ$ 100grand. They get a lot of used cars from Japan. Cheap. Probably the only place you can afford a Lexus as a commoner
of all people...
YOU should know how long it takes for me to deal with the crop/send/caption of the few I already take of things!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
have the camera do that for ya when take the pic...
or put them all on CD and snail mail them... Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
I added a new 2 gb mem stick to my growing COLLECTION...
yeegads, I'm gonna be a friggin shutterbugging maniac!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Something I learned from Big Cal. Take the pictures in the large format then resize them. Much better quality pictures that way.
Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
I do that routinely. My problem is when I get "back" from wherever, I routinely am busy as all getout playing "catchup" on this that and the other...that it takes me a good bit of time to get around to crop, label, resize and whatnot.
My prompt efforts after Memphest at posting pics were NOT my norm (sad to say).
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
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I do believe I'm going to have to try and get me and my travelling partners, tickets to an ALL BLACKS rugby game, so can see this HAKA done IRL!!!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Thanks mizshredder I've got that in my bookmarks :).
I roamed all over that site and thru a lot of its links also...
QUITE the "process" to immigrate there. Yowzah. Anyway - will ask about while I'm there and share info AS WELL AS pics when I return.
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
ALan, I was in New Zealand not long ago. Very nice. I took a drive on the Queen Charlot drive on the north end of the South Island, and said almost immediately "I NEED TO LIVE HERE and even buy a sailboat!" THe most beautiful place I ever visited!
To bad New Zealand has one of the most astire immigration policies on the planet.
Right now they only want people who have experience in woodworking machinery.
Skilled carpenters are also welcomed but limited.
Bring LOTS of money into the country - you will have no problem then
My choice would be the Coromandel Peninsula.
Boatbuilding would be an asset :-)
And the Sauvigon Blanc? WOW!!!!!!
the chardonnay is etter in my opinion!
But the Sacred hills basket press in Napier is to die for"No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree." - W.C. Fields
I've never been but am going for 3 weeks next month.
Will spend the first week on the north end of South Island.
Second week in Christchurch and locale environs.
Third week in southern part of South Island.
Anything in particular ya want me to scout out for ya? lemme know! But there ARE a few here on BT who've visited there already: Andy Clifford, Jet and his DW...and probably some others too.
And of course, AJinNZ lives there! SO hopefully, he'll pipe in on this thread and answer lotsa questions from ya.
BTW: Oregon is beautiful. lived in Eastern Oregon for coupla years...and have scouted property in NW Oregon past few trips there - LOVE it, but hate the prices...
The other poster who said NZ immigrations rules are tough is correct. They don't want anyone older than 55 y/o it seems.
I would value anyone's opinion on the building sector down there - it's not too hard to find numbers and such, but personal impressions would be nice. So do, if you think about it, give me your impressions. Thanks.
(What did people do before the internet? How did they find anything out? For me to assemble the info I have would take weeks on a phone and waiting for mail....)
Like Shredder said ( and thanks to Imerc for the heads up )......I live here, born here too.
I can answer your questions, and if I dont know can find out or point you in the right direction.
I suspect the age limit on immigration ( unless you got a heap of money ) is to prevent a surge of people who will retire and rely on our system for care. Sort of a cynical 'not enough return' situation.
Personally I would rather have folks from your part of the world any day over a heap of the ones we do get. Sadly I dont get to make these decisions.
As for the building sector....thats easy cos its what I do for a living.
Some simple stuff......we speak English in its true form, drive on the correct side of the road and we got no snakes, bears, wolves, marmots, whistle pigs, gophers, prairie dawgs, squirls or coons.
So if you have a taste for any of those critters yer outa luck.
We DO have volcanoes, ski fields, trout fishing, easy access to the sea, no seasons hunting, good food, wine and some other stuff.
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
How's the cost of living there AJ? I know you may not be able to compare directly to the US being as you haven't lived here, but I guess we could put it into context based on:
- What does a decent 3br, 2 ba house cost?
- What does a fairly skilled carpenter earn?
- Health insurance cost/month?
- Taxes?
- Do you find that a working class guy like a carp, plumber, etc., can easily own a nice home, or is it more the exception than the rule?
Oh, BTW- which side of the road do you consider the "correct" side to drive on? LOL
A decent 3 bed house.......well if its in the burbs and a fairly nice one at that.....something like the 400 thousands and into the 500 thousands would buy one.
Ritzy areas are over a million to a million and a 1/2 and beyond.
Sorta rural/10 acres or so with a not bad house ( maybe a little small, or only one bathroom or something ) would be 375,000 to 420,000 sorta thing
Larger newer house on similar acres is 600,000 to 900,000
Location changes things quite a lot
Prices jumped a lot a few years ago.
A fairly skilled carp......I was paying a guy $45 an hour. He did good work and could be left alone to do what was required.
45 was his hourly charge rate for his customers. Subtract from that his overhead/running cost etc and then 30% income tax off that.
I expect he was taking home something like $900 a week
Health Insurance......like someone below said.....you only have that if you want it. its optional and would cost less that 2k per year. ( I have no idea how some of you pay the waaaay stupid rates per month that you do )
Health care here is 'free' via the publis system. It is however somewhat overloaded and for a simple non life threatening surgery you would have to wait some time.
We have a goobermint based accident insurance scam that is compulsory ( fees built into stuff and come tax time I have to pay whether I like it or not ).
That works OK for smaller stuff, but if you had a serious accident and needed more than a 4 week spell of physiotherapy you may find yourself in the middle of a long long battle for what you need.
Your own insurance would be most handy then......( you still have to pay the goobermint though )
Tax.....company tax is capped at 33%
Personal income tax starts at almost 20% and rises from there depending on what you make.
They are somewhat draconian here compared with other countries in that you dont get 'tax breaks' for much at all. They want their money damnit......
Working class guys can own their own homes OK. With the rise in prices a lot more people are having trouble buying one. Mostly cos they cant rustle up a deposit. Some banks will lend 90% of the purchase price, one I saw will lend 100%
That works so long as you have the income to support it. I imagine those people will hold it/improve it somewhat until prices rise enough to sell and move to something else with lower payments.
There is a shortage of skilled trade labour here due to the latest housing boom. That boom is slowing some, but the demand for skilled guys is still there and due to several factors.......we run short.
Pay rates for the trades has gone up a lot over the last 5 or 6 years.
The left side is the correct one to drive on. ( I thought everyone knew that....<G> )
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
How hard is it to bring a car there? I mean one with the steering wheel on the wrong side? <G> I know you won't let me stay more than six months at a wack but do I still get free health care for those six months?
What do you currantly pay for fuel? Can Non residents still buy a home? How much wood can I ship in without paying a lot of import duty?
still want mainly black walnut or would you like some of our cherry or something else as well?
Cars actually arnt that hard.
I looked into it. You could bring almost anything for the duration of a trip for example....and then you either take it back again, OR, leave/sell it here.
For it to stay it has to be either a certain age and right hand drive, or older, under a certain weight and left hand drive.
Some have to be converted on or before arrival. Sounds complicated...but it can be worked around.
( I want a F350 extra cab with a large diesel engine OK? )
Free health care for the 6 months?........you will get the goobermint based accident scam/cover anyway.
For the public health system.....dont know. I imagine it might depend on your state of 'permanence' while here. Private insurance for that time shouldnt be high anyway.
If you DIDNT qualify for free care, you would have to pay the hospital bill yourself.
Fuel....91 octane is about $1.37 per litre and 96 is about $1.43 a litre
Diesel is about 93 cents a litre ( I think....I dont watch that carefully.....if I need fuel I need it )
Not sure about non residents buying a home....I think its OK....but you would have to check with the immigration goobers
Wood......how much is a tough one. Imports get hit with GST once the value of the goods goes over $400 NZ......but if it was a 'gift' or a personal belongings kinda thing being transported......dunno. Might not have to pay much or any duty.
As for type....Black Walnut is divine....as it Cherry....and Oak and and and......
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
don't tell 'em about having to go metric..that'll put 'em off. Kiwis do though have the closest constructions style to Americans than any other place ( worked there for 2 1/2 years) I know of, you'll have to get used to calling sheetrock "gibboard" and and a plot is a "section" ( only you'll have to say "siction" or they wont understand you, you'll have to get used to working in the rain ( unless you're from Oregon already) and wearing "wellies", You'll have to learn the traditional greeting is a couple of briefly raised eyebrows, maybe accompanied by "hey bro", most sentences will end in"ey"and that the "all blacks" is not a racist comment but a national idol. You will learn that it is not polite to say which team you "root for"and that Kiwis are highly entrepenurial and inventive. They drive on the correct side of the road ( that is the left) and don't pay for health insurance ( unless they either earn too much or choose to do so)
Edited 1/20/2007 7:57 am ET by mcadioli
The All Blacks...is the soccer team, right?
"worked there for 2 1/2 years"
and c'mon...DO TELL: when were you there? (what years!?!)
Any words of wisdom/advice to share with someone who's about to travel there???
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
you're gonna get slapped Clara if you ask the soccer team question.
Kiwis eat sleep and breathe rugby ( they aren't very good at it but that is besides the point) so if you wish to communicate on a local level you will need to learn the intricacy of the game. The difference between a scrum and a drop out, on side off side, a ruck and a maul ( some girls already know about mauls but this is slightly different), a drop kick on field and a drop kick off field.
The first requirement before you can join the All Blacks is you must be able to perform the Haka ( a sort of girlie dance where you poke your tongue out at the other team and make constipated sounds).
The other requirement is that you take possession of the ball and keep it ( another feat the All Blacks have difficulty with) and with that I retire from comments regarding Kiwis and one of their passions ( their other passion is cricket but they can't play that either) secure in the knowledge that AJ and I will probably never meet.
Years we worked there.
93 to 96, this was when Hong Kong was getting ready ( and nervous about ) for the hand over to China and many affluent Hong Kong residents were nervously looking for a bolt hole in case things didn't go so well. They caused a building boom in many areas, but particularly Howick ( henceforth nicknamed Chowick) where we built whole streets of mansions many of them left completely vacant.
Words of wisdom
Stay out of South Auckland
beware of Keas
remember that all "e" vowels in a word are replaced with "u" and "i" is replaced with either "e" or "u" ( fish and chips becomes fush and chups, sex becomes either six or sucks depending on the region, six becomes sucks , a pen is a pin and a pin is a pun ( I don't know what that makes a pun though?) True story, my wife walks into a haberdashery shop and asks for some pins, the shop assistant solemly informs her they dont sell pins and she will have to go to a newsagent.
don't tip
if you want to impress a Kiwi male tell him about your tarantula collection
make sure you do what all other Americans on tour do and talk very loud, complain a lot and say things like " we don't do it like that back home".
If you really are about to travel there you can always jump the ditch and I'll show you some of our backyard. Depending on when you are coming you'll have to fly into either Brisbane or Cairns. I'm in the States myself in a week but after that we could organize something. Cairns would be better as there is more to see, we'll take you out to the reef.
Edited 1/20/2007 6:26 pm ET by mcadioli
Edited 1/20/2007 6:33 pm ET by mcadioli
ok - GOT IT
and yes, I "really am" about to head to South Island in 2 weeks. Depart CONUS 11Feb, arrive 13Feb in CHC. Depart CHC 3Mar and get home to LIT airport that same nite...(amazing how that works, eh?)
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Was a bit of a fuss made a while ago when some touring rugby players were showing some women the haka. They had a go themselves....which was the 'problem'.
Those that are entirely too easy to offend said it was 'culturally offensive' cos women were not permitted to do a haka.
so, just to avoid any overly sensitive types.....dont do a haka.
and dont listen to what Aussies say either.........
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
What is a haka?
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
84393.44 in reply to 84393.40
What is a haka?
It's supposed to scare the living daylights out of you. You can get the same feeling looking at your income tax return.
And better prepare your wife when you read signs containing the first letters with WH
When we (DW and I) went to the north Island in Jan of 2000 to see her Brother. (working on contract at the paper mill) We stayed in Whakatani.
Went through Whakapapa through lac taupo and on to Napier.Always wanted to wear a shirt that said "I'm a Papa" LOL"No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree." - W.C. Fields
You should have seen the expression on my wife's face when I told her we must go to Whakarewarewa
Edited 2/5/2007 11:53 pm ET by semar
Why were you lost??????? hehehehe"No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree." - W.C. Fields
seen some NZ movies?
Check: Broken English, Utu, Once were warriors
NOTE TO SELF: When in NZ...don't do a haka., and dont listen to what Aussies say either...
OK, I think I've "got it"! <g>
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
OK.....I just remembered.....your an Aussie......'splains everything now.
And it FISH and CHIPS not what you call it.....FEESH and CHEEPS
I despise rugby and cricket too.....and I are a real Kiwi.
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
A friend of mine went to New Zealand a few years ago and when he got back he showed me a videotape he had of him jumping the world's highest bungee jump! It was from a cable car suspended between two mountains.Handyman, painter, wood floor refinisher, property maintenance in Tulsa, OK
Sounds like NEVIS...in Queenstown...
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
That would be it :)
It is neat how a bungee jumper can disconnect the feet link and swing upright onto the harness link after completing a jump. I will have to watch the video of my friend doing NEVIS again sometime. Thanks for the link!Handyman, painter, wood floor refinisher, property maintenance in Tulsa, OK
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
84393.60 in reply to 84393.49
That would be it :) It is neat how a bungee jumper can disconnect the feet link and swing upright onto the harness link after completing a jump. I will have to watch the video of my friend doing NEVIS again sometime. Thanks for
This is what I could not understand. First they give you one of the best wines then they try to entice you to their recreational sports where EVERYthing is designed to empty your stomach. Bungyjumping, shotover jet boats (sitting in a boat doing 50mph racing toward a rockwall), zorbballing (strapped in a 7ft dia plasticball rolling down a hillside). Oh, well, at least it does not take long to like LP and hokeypokey.
PS. I took a 2 gig SD memory card with me, took over 2500 pictures and still regretted I did not take another along. And that from a guy who lives in SuperNatural British Columbia
Haha yah I would want to take as many pictures as possible too!Handyman, painter, wood floor refinisher, property maintenance in Tulsa, OK
Australia? Hey I fly into Melbourne on the 3rd of March! Hope to make it to Brisbane. Cairns . . . well that is a long way to go.
Where is it you live? Your post is confusing. Brisbane or Cairns?
Both. We have been engaged in cyclone repair work in the north for the past 10 months. Have a great trip. Is this your first time?http://www.quittintime.com
yes, first time.
Any must sees, beside the obvious Sydney stuff? Perhaps I should say, any favorite and unique stuff from your viewpoint? We are interested in the wildlife (of the feathered adn four-footed kind), the wine countyr, the railroad history NW of sydney, history in general, and would love to snorkle the reef. As for the reef I was not able to get certified for diving before this trip, but from what I have read snokling is a pretty good way to enjoy the reef anyway.
As you might have noticed from my previous posts, my wife and I have been to New Zealand and enjoyed it very much - less the lamb (LOL).
Sydney is the place for that as it is the site of the first settlement ( Melbourne is not really classed as typical Australia, it's where the girls go for a bit of class)
Wildlife, a lot of Victoria has been suffered from bushfires the past few months and still are. You aren't going to see a lot in Vic. There is more chance in Qld particularly the north where there is some nice birdlife ( unfortunately it is flooding up there at the moment so it's hard to get around). I'd recommend Cairns over all the proposed cities as there is much more to see and do. As for diving there are day trips to the reef and I'm pretty sure they will certify you on site.
Summary Sydney for history melbourne for shopping Cairns for tourism
and don't miss Kurunda when you are in Cairns.
Did you know that Clinton used to go there for his holidays?
Just watch out for boxjellyfish, crocs, sharks, browns, - no kidding, listen to locals. But it is really beautiful there. Take some money along for the opals
What is up with your posting of http://www.quittintime.com ??
I'm from Canada (note the accent) and we arried as the first hurricaine was going through. First into Sydney then on to Brisbane. Thinking about it.....That was almost a full year ago.
Kids got to play in the surf as the second hurricaine turned east off the sunshine coast toward New Zealand. Lifeguards were on their toes that day.
A pic of my 13 yaer old in the surf.
Edited 2/5/2007 6:27 am ET by jet
84393.18 in reply to 84393.13
The All Blacks...is the soccer team, right?
You are automatically disqualified for immigration
All Blacks IS rugby and don't mention Australia
Forget carpentry - learn winemaking
alright alright alright already
(HEY! everyone's gotta start SOMEWHERE on the learning curve!!!)
dang bout the 2gb mem stick as I was up at Sam's club and they've got em CHEAP - but...not the type that fits my camera! bwah!
well, I got the rest of this week to see if I can't redress that...
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
yep....thats it.
Cept......we have gumboots...not wellies.....
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
Yea you might have all that "COOL" stuff. But you got to disguse your ASP batons as flashlights when you get them mailed to you. LOL
Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?
sad aint it.....<scuff>.........
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
Some simple stuff......we speak accented English in its true un-understandable form, drive on the correct side of the road and we got no snakes, bears, wolves, marmots, whistle pigs, gophers, prairie dawgs, squirls or coons.
so what do you have????
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
oh come on now! I have understood the ACCENT of every Kiwi I've been on the phone with while planning this upcoming vacation of mine...and since I can understand YOUR speech pattern/accent, and THEIRS, your comment has me ROFLMAO!!!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Being an advid Fly Fishing junky. NZ is deffently on most of our lists of destinations. They have some of the most beautifil rivers in the world, not to mention the trout!All Things Wood!
Stephen Prunier Carpentry
You do the fishing...(I enjoy fish for meals but alas, know diddly about fishing!)
SO: I'll do the whitewater rafting!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
they have the accent because yur / we are here...
in two weeks you'll develop an accent and they'll loose theirs...
home turf rules...Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Oh my - I wish I coulda heard ya when you had a Kiwi accent...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and looking forward to acquiring a bit of one myself - albeit temporary.
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Interesting all this talk about accents. On my visit I can honestly say that I NEVER Noticed an accent. Not once. Funny. Whereas you go to Canada, and have to ask what language they speak!
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming<!----><!----><!---->
WOW!!! What a Ride!Forget the primal scream, just ROAR!!!
Edited 2/4/2007 10:30 pm by IMERC
It is French, monsieur, that's why
Here in the west you got to learn Mandarin
Yes, there is french as well. Actually, I understand them very well.
Actually it is a bit sexy to hear some of the Canadian babes and ladies speak. They all sound like they are hitting on you. "No worriers honey".
Yeeees, just watch out for the honey warriors
Who 'un-undestandable'???
Its not me dude.
for critters we DO have.....stoats, weasels, ferrets, possums ( australian ones not the greasy,mangy, smelly things you apparently have ), wabbit, hares, several types of deer, goats, chamois, thar, pigs...........all the usual domesticated ones.
And every single one of them is introduced.
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
Go to New ZEaland and you will never eat beef again. The deer, as the locals call it, or more correctly elk is out of this world! The lamb on the other hand is not edible. Funny since the sheep out number people. I love lamb, but after ordering it three or four times from different regions I swore off teh stuff. Back to teh elk!
I live in New Zealand......I dont eat beef, only deer....wild deer, none of that tame crap.
Lamb to me is over-rated, no flavour. Mutton is where it gets good. But I find it too greasy.....wild pork and deer. Now we talking.
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
As I said, forget the beef eat the elk.
As for lamb. Interesting that you say eat the Mutton. In the States not many people talk about Mutton, but if they do they are referring to very old sheep and the meat is tough, tough, tough, and only the starving would eat it.
Again, I love good lamb, but there was none to be found in New Zealand.
As for wild game, sounds good to me.
We drive on the RIGHT side of the road here. Wouldn't it stand to reason that ya'll drive on the WRONG side there?Peace,Caseyhttp://www.streets.org
Not an exponent of the DILLIGAF system.
I hear ya bout the internet...and since they DO have internet cafes in NZ...I'll likely shoot some emails to friends/family from there...and maybe pipe back on this thread to share some of my impressions of the RE listings I see, the housing, what friends of friends, who live there - have to say.
I think AJ is best positioned to give you the local insider's view of what it is like to work in the construction industry there... but I'll be happy to share with ya what I learn from the similar position that YOU have - about what would one potentially encounter in considering a move there.
T minus 2 weeks! woooieeeeeeeeeeee!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
They build cheap and light in New Zealand.
BTW: Oregon is beautiful. lived in Eastern Oregon for coupla years
No kiddin'? Whereabouts? Thats sorta kinda out my back door. Mid-central Oregon is kinda desolate. Perimeters are less so.PJ
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.
When I left KY in Oct'98, I drove to Hermiston, OR ("watermelon capital of OR"!) to begin a new job at the UMCDF...located on the UMCD there in Umatilla, Hermiston area. So I lived and worked there til May'00.
Hermiston is a dusty little armpit kinda town. Lotsa nice people there of course, and they DO have great melons grown there whose equal, I only found when I was in Cochabamba, Bolivia!
Learned about the 2 big potatoe/french fry producers due to living there also. (the FF equivalents of Pepsi and Coke!)
Also learned they have the largest RR switchyard west of the MS River, there too.
Twas an easy jump over the Columbia river and up to Tri-Cities, WA (Kennewick/Pasco/Richland) when needed to do any serious shopping of any kind...OR use an airport!
Only dead fish swim with the stream. Author Unknown
Alan i live on the northern oregon coast, Land and houses have gone up but good carpenters work and there is a lot, It would take time like anywhere else to start your own biz. you have to work in the rain and it does rain a lot but its not as bad as snow contry, It is hard not seeing the sun and easy to get depressed if your so inclined,