Hello, I bought a fixer house. No flashing is present where the roof meets shed dormer wall.
On the wall is 6” clapboard cedar, with colonial style composition roofing. Roof tar was used as flashing. Obviously its pulled away leaving a gaping hole 1/4” + -.
Any recommended technique to address this without destroying roofing material? Roofing is about 10 years old and looks ok. Thanks
The hard part is not destroying the roofing material but the siding. You need to slide what's called dormer flashing up under the siding and it will rest on the roofing below.
Try and get all the tar out first and see if there's going to be enough room to do it. The hardest part will be nails in the way that are holding the siding in place.
I'd guess the easiest way would be to notch the flashing so it will not hit the nails and caulk with a polyeurathane sealant the length where the siding meets the flashing.
Good luck. It's not a fun or easy job.
no way to doit without taking apart and re doing
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Cut in a piece of Azek.
I would put a straight ege on the roof following the pitch an 1-1/2" shorter than my pice of azek then run my circular saw up the straight edge. Set the saw depth to cut just the wall siding.
Remove the staight edge and then the siding cutoffs. Then you have to take a flat bar and remove any nails in the roof shingles within 5 inches of the dormer wall.
When the nails are gone slide step flashing in starting at the bottom and working your way up the roof. Only nail the flashing to the wall. Seal any nail holes you removed with geocel caulk.
After the flashing, install a drip cap, then your piece of Azek.
I care, after all it's my company.
Is Azek that composite trim stuff? Not tearing the tarpaper, I imagine, will be fun too.
Yes Azek is a composite material. Very good outdoor material.
You shouldn't have to even touch the tarpaper.
Use a flatbar to pull the nails, leaving the shingles in place.
I care, after all it's my company.
I'm wondering what dimesion of Azek you're invisioning.
Tall enough to cover your step flashing. Any size around 5-6" would work.
Not composite. composites are combinations of different materialsAzek is a PVC product.
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CLosed cell PVC correct?
I thought PVC was grouped in with composites.
Thanks for the clarification. :)
An example of a composite would be Trex which combines plastics with sawdust. Azek is a singular material.
Composite does get used widely to describe any man-made material sometimes, but is not technically correct. No skin off our noses though.
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