I have just raked my newly sealed saltillos, by dragging a HEAVY “Penny” scale across them… that noise you hear in the background is me sobbing!! The scratch is not deep, I’m wondering if I coated just the 4 0r 5 tile that are marred with another coat of sealer, will it “blend” the scratches in and be less noticeble?
either your post has ended up too far down the list or ignorance prevails. I'm game but this ignorant aussie needs more information.
What's a Saltillo?, is it a terracotta type tile.
What did you seal it with? ( no brand names just type of sealer )
What did you scratch it with?
How course or rough is the surface of the tile?
*Well, Donna, it sounds like you scratched only the sealer. Looks like a scratch through floor wax, right? If this is the case, you will only have to apply more sealer to the scratched area.However, depending upon how you sealed your tiles, you may have more work in front of you. Did you use a TOP FINISH seal coat over the PENETRATING? If so, you will need to strip the TOP COAT off the scratched tiles--yes, the whole tile, it blends better this way. The mfg of the sealer should also have a stripper, use this. Then, seal those tiles as if starting over.I'm sorry to hear your sobbing, but scratched Saltillos really aren't reason for such a mournful wail.
*Thanks for the info. Yes I think that I will strip the few tile that are scratched and be done with it! It couldn't have been in an area that would not have mattered..OH NO, that would have been to easy!! OH well!! I'm generally not much of a "sobber" it's just that this project ended up taking much longer than I had anitcipated, and to think I'll soon be cranking up the saw again to tackle the entry and stairs.....I must be mad!! I have to admit though....the floor looks awesome!!!Again, thanks for your response!!Donna
*Ohhhhh, Don Na! Do me a favor? Stick your head out an open window to the street and bellow real loud: "Construction projects always take longer than estimated!" Do this so everybody on the block can hear. Then, when they hire a contractor, they won't be so apt to get pissed when it happens to them.Thank you. (Now, don't you feel better?)There is order in chaos.
*"There is order in chaos", "There is order in chaos".....My new mantra!!! Thanks!!!Donna
*Well, if you think about it, areas that don't matter don't get much use. That's why they don't matter. The two go pretty much hand in hand.You should see the crack in my countertop edge trim tile...