I have taken four radiators out for remodeling. Pictures of the prettier two are attached below. If anyone is interested in them, let me know. I will probably take them to the local Architectural Salvage this weekend (or put them on e-bay) if I don’t hear from anyone.
They are in good shape, need to be stripped and painted. They’re asking about $10/fin on e-bay, I figure I’ll try to get half of that.
200kb is a little large for me. So, sight unseen, you aren't planning a Va vacation anytime soon are you? If so, I'd take them and give you an interesting tour.
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
Got 'em in my house. South east NY.
edit shoulda turned 'em, soory!
I Love A Hand That Meets My Own,
With A Hold That Causes Some Sensation.
[email protected]
Edited 6/10/2005 9:25 pm ET by Eric Paulson
I'll send you the chiropractor bill.
Nice. Definitely worth a sand-blast. I've got a plainer pile waiting for me. Destined for the next house.PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
I was in a hurry yesterday. I meant to attach another picture (see below) and shrink both.
I have no plans to travel to Va any time soon, and if I take those things to the basement for storage, I'll never bring them back up! Can't believe how heavy they are...
We're leaving most of them in - love the look and feel, but we're installing central air and will be using that to heat a couple of rooms.
For some reason, it looks like the same picture is going to be on here twice. Can't figure out how to get rid of the duplicate, so only open one-
Thanks to EP for shrinking the other one!
Thanks. It wasn't really much of a problem. If I'd thought there was any chance of getting them here, I'd have opened the first pic.
My van shouldn't have any trouble with a pair that size (loaded it down with saw mill parts from an auction today), but you aren't exactly around the corner. Sure hope you find somebody who'll appreciate them. We love old radiators and have a solar system planned, and bought, for the next house. Those are beauts. Hey, maybe Razz'll pick them up on his way here for that trip he hasn't planned! Give him some traction to get up our driveway...
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
hey man, move that one in the house instead of heating the outdoors like that!