Competed in the Halton Skills Competition last week for the Ontario Skills Competition and thought I’d share the results.
The project was a 4X8 children’s play house. The house was to be 4’x4’x4′ with a 4’x4’x’4′ awning. I think the person that designed it didn’t realize what the dimensions would really look like on the finished project because the house portion of it was pretty damn small.
The annoying thing was the designer miscalculated a lot of the dimensions (or to be more accurate they were missing from the blueprint). Once we got that annoying little bit out of the way, had our subfloor together, and were building the walls, the competition judge came around and told us that even though only the 2 side walls were load bearing all doors and windows had to be load bearing. They ‘forgot’ to add this note to the plan. Somehow other teams got this info much before us. So then we had to redo two of the walls… that was a pain because we did not have much extra in lumber so we had to take the walls apart and shift everything.
My partner and I didn’t manage to place but it was a whole ton of fun and we did learn a whole lot. It’s a lot different when you’re working under strict timelines. Little mistakes that don’t cost any money and are easily repairable can cost you in time and that’s where my partner and I just got burnt. We were so accurate but just not fast enough. When I look back, I really wish that we had of practiced more and tried building different structures… that was our first awning and although we did it right, it cost us some time thinking it over… again got burnt by the clock.
Looking forward to this weekend… going to my friend Chris’ cottage in the Muskokas with a couple other guys to build a shed and drink some beers by the lake. I get to teach rookies how to cut common rafters LOL
Got a question about leveling the site… how should we do it? My friend wants to use patio blocks but I’m worried that with hard winters it will shift really bad….
Any cost/labour (we only have sat and Sunday to finish the whole 10’x12′ thing and I’m the only one that’s done any building before) effective ways?
Welcome to the real world of building!
"what the dimensions would really look like on"
Designers don't always know what they're doing
"designer miscalculated a lot of the dimensions (or to be more accurate they were missing from the blueprint"
so you have now learned to proof read any drawing before you staart.
"all doors and windows had to be load bearing"
know your structural components better than any designer and you will see ahead with true vision.
"Somehow other teams got this info much before us"
If this bothers you don't ever get into bid work. Somebody always comes in last.
"It's a lot different when you're working under strict timelines."
If you bid a job allowing your self forty four hours to complete it, you have a strict timeline before your start losing money. If you are working for a boss man, you have a strict timeline before you start hearing the boss cuss.
"partner and I just got burnt"
Sounds like you shared the soot but in real life, when a burn happens, partners get ugly. Be forwarned.
"build a shed and drink some beers by the lake"
not at the same time, I hope. If so, count your fingers when you're done.
"teach rookies"
One of the blessings of the occupation - unless they really don't want to learn - in which case it becomes one of the curses.
" about leveling the site..."
without a real foundation, sure it might shift but what the heck. Build it up a step with twin carrying beams across the pods. Then you can always jack it level with no trouble.
"effective ways?"
hold off on the beer until the shack is done.
keep saying, "Good job man" - volunteer help is notorious for geting discouraged without pumping them
platform frame method, of course.
Pre figured drawings for every measurement. Any slow down will become an excuse for another beer break. Keep it moving by having the work organized, laid out, and ready
Excellence is its own reward!
Yes, the beers are for the evening once its too dark to work.... though I suppose I could bring up a few Halogen lamps and work through the night :-)
Start your career that way and you'll never beget any future carpenters....
Excellence is its own reward!
? ... never beget any future carpenters... ?
By working at night? I don't get it... can you explain that one... not firing on all cylinders tonight....
Let's see if I can explain this so even a Canadian can understand it.
If You're workin thu the days
And working thru the nights
Your honey's in the sack
While you're throwing out your back
Workin' by them halogen lights.
"I gotta get it done"
While she's thinkin of some fun
and turnin off them halogen lights.
Now you're gettin some idears
You ain't got no more fears
Forgetting 'bout the nailing
She gets your boat a sailin
And you don't need no navigation lights.
Excellence is its own reward!
If you’re talkin’ ‘bout tha ladies
Let not your worries tarry
For this cunuck can hold his own
Though dating is a battle zone
When not at work I am at play
Sometimes at the gym all day
To sculpt a bod that makes the ladies drool
When it comes to romance I’m no fool
I keep the shelves stocked fresh and rated
And when the time comes I do rotate it
Take a number and get in line
Oh them Canuck girls sure look fine
Uncle Sam gets jealous of these fine friends of mine ;-)
Workin late through the night
I don’t care long as the jobs done right
Coming home with the rising sun,
Call up them girlies and some fun ;-)
Wow, LOL, kinda feel dirty after writing that...
All joking aside I have a girlfriend of almost two years now so I'm really not the conceeded A*hole I make myself out to be in those lyrics... just a little creative writing for ya pif! :-)
Just Give'r
I think your going to fit right into this profession!
Don't know if that's a compliment or not just that you already fit in.
Hahaha thanks a lot! I just got in!
I'll post some pictures once they're developed!
not all the beer I hope!
gotta drink some "practice beers" thru out the day....
Ya don't wanna go and start drinking hard with out warming up properly first...
What'da wanna do? Take a chance on spraining some valuable drinking muscles?
Thot U were a canadian...U should know these things....
Damn school systems..falling apart..forgetting to teach tradition....
Good thing old timers like myself are here to repeat the spoken word stories of times long past......
Your shed building sounds like just another day working from prints....
JeffBuck Construction Pittsburgh,PA
Fine Carpentery.....While U Waite
You're right, I am a Canadian... no warm up needed... got beer runnin through my veins :-)
If you are going to build the shed in 2 days all you are going to do is set it on 6 leveled concrete blocks. Knowing the Muskokas you probably are going to find shallow rock below anything anyhow. And keep the Molsons cold but don't touch it until the game comes on, no one needs to get SARS as well while some Doc tries to sew on your hand after being airlifted to a TO hospital.
WIth this much info you may have a crowd of "experienced help " there to help- with the beer that is...LOL
Such a Canadian pastime... Muskokas, beer, WORK....