Anyone know if it is possible to design/build an outdoor fireplace with a wood burning pizza oven above? I’ve seen plenty of kits and design for them side-by-side but we have limited space, hence the one-over-the-other concept.
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Make sturdy doors and frame-and-panels of any size with tools you already have.
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Anything is possible, only thing I see is it may get deeper than a side by side.
Are you thinking one flue for the fireplace and another forward of that for he oven? Any idea where I might look for a set of plans, designs, ideas?I've got a mason wiling to help me out, but he said he'd need a set of plans to work from.
Masonry Heater Association.A Great Place for Information, Comraderie, and a Sucker Punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
I have an oven almost completed.......built the whole thing out of natural products taken from my property......didn't cost a red cent.
But in mine the fire chamber IS also the baking area.........
Start fire ......burn till the inside gets to be about 9oo degrees......either push coals to the rear or wipe out completely.......put in pizza.......put on door........3 or 4 minutes later you have (supposedly) the best pizza in the world........then you bake your bread.......
I have about a week to go cause I need to work on the opening a bit and allow it to dry...........
PS...they say the fire below kind aren't quite as good......
"But in mine the fire chamber IS also the baking area....."That is the norm
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here is some more reading
"If you come to a fork in the road, take it"
Maybe ask Mike Hennessy.
He built a pizza oven here (no fireplace to go along with it that I know of, but he might be able to get you going in the right direction.)
Hope that's helpful.
Fantastic thread, thanks for alerting me to it.
Quite welcome. He's done some neat work, and I've tossed that pizza oven idea around several times since seeing his thread.'Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it' ~ Chinese proverb
Pizza ovens are usually "black ovens", i.e., the fire is IN the oven, not underneath it. This is because pizza needs the flame to essentially broil the pizza and extremely high (around 1000 degrees) heat. You can build a decent wood-fired black oven that has a large enough opening that it would serve as an OK fireplace and still cook pizza. You would probably want the hearth at waist height, or more, though.
FWIW, my wife (My Lovely Assistant) and I built a wood-fired oven last year and love it -- use it almost every weekend.
Mike Hennessy
Pittsburgh, PA
Thanks for the info Mike. I was actually wanting to build an outdoor fireplace with a wood-fired pizza oven above. Same overall structure but one on top of the other. I came across a design that resembled what we wanted, but the problem is that the fireplace would have to be incredibly deep for its flue to run behind that of the pizza oven.Looks like we're going to build the fireplace into the exterior wall of a small rock-face CMU mudroom addition and build the pizza oven separate in another location.