Here are some things one should never do with propane as it can get you nominated for a Darwin award<GGGG>
(not for indoor use, brains and batteries not included)
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1. Wheelbarrow dance
turn a bottle upside down, release some LIQUID propane into the bottom of the WB.
Let sit one minute, Toss in a match
Dancing slow flames.
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2. Mole burnout.
Wet down a 30 ft dia circle around a mole hole.
Turn on a roofing torch, do not light
Poke it down the molehole, let it run for a minute or so.
Back off 25 feet or more, and light the torch. (not near another mole hole however)
Approach the hole with the lit torch and be rewarded with a ‘whump’ and a spout of flame out of the mole hole, and a 10 ft dia circle of flame for a second or so.
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3. freeze and fry a slug
upside down bottle, spray a slug in bottom of a bucket with liquid propane till frozen solid
stand way back and light the bucket remotely.
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4. Witches brew
Dry ice – carve a 1 inch deep 1 inch dia cavity in the face of a couple of 2 pound blocks of dry ice, fill one side with liquid propane and tie the blocks together.
Throw into a crock of root beer or lemonaide.
Bubble and smokes, plus you can ignite an occasional bubble!.
Now you've done it….
Fun with Hydrogen…
Attach rosebud tip, stick into soap bubble solution, open valve & make self supporting column of foam.
Ignite remotely (good idea - stolen from above)
Giggle and repeat…
Never underestimate your ability to overestimate your ability
That one works with nat gas too (lighter than air)
Warning to those not familiar with properties of different gasses -- Dont try the propane (heavier than air) tricks with hydrogen or nat gas!.
In boarding school (highschool) a friend and I used to fill large garbage bags with natural gas, make a fuse and burn them. We had found an uncapped gas outlet in one of the bathrooms where there used to be a water heater. In the middle of the night we would take several of these very thin large garbage bags and fill them with the gas. Then tie them all together, tie a strip of bedsheet or paper, and take the whole thing out into the middle of the soccer fields. Light the fuse, release it and it would float away and eventually burn. Mini Hindenbergs. It was daylight on the whole campus for about 10 seconds, and very quiet. Each time we did this there were more bags and longer fuses. We never got caught, but we had to quit when the falling, burning debris almost landed on a faculty house.And, that's not the dumbest thing that we did there.
My chemistry teacher used to bubble hydrogen and oxygen through a soapy mixture to create a foam, then ignite. Shook the dust (probably asbestos) right out of the ceiling tile.
If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy. --James Madison
OOOOH ya'll are gonna get reported now........
Semper Fi
As part of fire training we use a propane prop that consists of a burner assembly submerged in a large stock tank, about 5' diameter and 1' deep. When lit the thing sends us a wicked column of flame. The goal is to lob enough foam onto the surface of the water to put out the flame, which of course can't be done... but it's good training for a fire involving a fuel spill on water.
Another is the "tree", a large tree-like burner assembly that makes even more flame. The goal on that one is to coordinate five firefighters attacking with two fog nozzles ... the fifth man's job is to reach in and turn off the valve.
This stuff would probably be pretty dangerous if the FD weren't already there.
Do not fill one prophylactic with acetylene and oxygen. Do not get it at least 18" long. Do not shoot at it with a lit punk stick. Do not act dumb when the neighbors ask "What was that? Did you hear that?" This is very dangerous - DO NOT DO IT!
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Now that .... is a Suicide Jockey.
Plunge a knife through the top of a Camping Gaz cartridge (the blue, dome-shaped one), toss it away from you while it is spewing gas, then toss a match on top. Quite satisfying.
Of course, only an idiot would do this, and I clearly qualify. Somehow, I survived my teenage years...
-Groucho Marx