This is one of the worse nightmares I have ever had to deal with. The rep shows up tomorrow to see what the problem is, but I think it is obvious. Almost 90% of the bundles we cupped, and they were all sticking together and you could not get them apart without tearing them. A few were so brittle the were crumbling .
OC rep shows up today and said the it was a mfg problem, new ones will be delivered on the roof tomorrow. I will say the rep did a good job taking care of the problem.
Edited 12/9/2003 6:35:15 PM ET by byoung
typical for cold weather shingling
Excellence is its own reward!
Some may say it is cold wether but the temp around here has ben in the mid fifties for the past week, those shingles have ben up for 4 days with the sun beating on the all day.
mid fifties is kind of a minimum temp for them to lay down, not an ideal temp.
Also, if you nailed them in a wrinkled position without geting them to lay into place, you induced a force to keep it that way.
The longer they were stored in the position that taught them that cute little curl, the longer it takes to unlearn the habit of waving hello and flirting with you. Once they learn that they are part of your harem, they'll lay right down and quit flirting.
Excellence is its own reward!
Dude, they are just cold. They'll lay down when it warms up.
If they haven't blown away by the time it warms up.
Without seeing the actual bundles I couldn't say for certain-----but I doubt very much that Owens Corning is really responsible for that problem.
the problem is almost certainly caused by 2 mistakes in transport,storage,delivery and handling.
1) O.C. shingles come wrapped in plastic,and are frequently stored outside and uncovered at the plant,at the distributor and at the job site---and also transported uncovered.the plastic wrappers will all have small holes in themwhich let rain water IN but prevent it from draining out. ( I try not to use OC shingles anymore ---even in summer---because it seems like every bundle has about a half a cup of foul smelling moldy water in it which drains out on who ever picks up the bundle). those bundles may well have been sitting outside for months before they ever got to your job---where freezing weather turns them into bricks.
2) Roof top devivery during cold weather causes those "humped shingles" If you want flat shingles during cold weather----get ground delivery ---on a skid----store the shingles flat right up untill the moment you use them.
BTW That fishmouth MAY lay flat when the shingles pick up some heat---if the fishmouth is confined to the lower edge.of the shingle. If the fishmouth extends all the way up through the nail line----then the fishmouth may be to a certain degree permanent as the nails have secured the hump in position and will not allow the shingle to straighten out.
Edited 12/9/2003 6:56:36 AM ET by SHAZLETT
Gee, I thought it made them look more like real shakes.