PALM NAILERS – any with a pistol grip?

We are swinging from ladders in the hot California sun, putting up wood. Using my Senco palm nailer, which has really helped to pick up the pace. However, the ergonomics are not that good. It already did in one innocent tile – and did it in quite well. Does anyone make a pistol grip nailer that you can hang onto in awkward positions? I think GripRite had one for positive placement nails.
I was just visiting my uncle this weekend and he recently bought a new one that's lithium ion battery powered... instead of air. It sort of looks like a cordless drill..
Don't remember what brand it was ... Had plenty of punch though...
For ergonomics and repeated use, look at the Stanley Bostitch hardware nailer. Lightweight nailer that shoots truss and hanger nails, and has placement probe for accuracy.
I bought one of these a while back. They are designed for hangers, so available collated nails come in 1.5" and 2.5" sizes. Senco makes a knock-off similar to it.
Therein the problem. I am driving 4" HDG nails thru RS wood, thru stucco and then, perhaps, into the framing - if the termites have not been there first. The common palm nailer does the job, which I suspect the battery ones will not, but it's awkward in awkward positions. Sure picked up the pace vs. hand nailing off ladders while trying to keep the wood on layout.
My Bostich nail gun will convert to positive placement nails. Love that feature - but with a 4" nail. Not on.
Besides, boss sez the nailers will blow out chunks of stucco when they go sideways at a hard spot. We have been folding the nails over from time to time. Poor GripeRite quality control. Some stucco is concrete. Then we drill and try again.
BTW - this fancy new BT software sux. Used to get notice of a reply so I would reply in a timely manner. Not now. Have to remember. I should write that down so I remember to remember.
Makita AG125, this is a heck of a deal!!!
Both Craftsman and Ryobi make a cordless nailer that resembles a Rt. angle drill. I saw the Royobi at HD on user disply, it did drive 16's into PT 4x4 fairly well.
79 bucks, I thought it might be OK for copper roofing nails ( in awkward places), I seem to bash my fingers a LOT when they bend, but I doubt the head would fit in the nailers nose.
Tried the Ryobi one at Homer. They had 4d test nails. I should bring a 4" x 10d and try it. Perhaps they will do a More Manly version with an 18v Lion battery. That might keep up. Think the current versions are more for DIY folks. Like the idea, but in a more powerful platform.
That Makita is just what you are looking for. Its an impact nailer, not a strap nailer. I got to use one once. It was a beautiful thing, but my HF palm nailer I bought for $15 does what needs doing just fine.