Hi all, I have a roughly 30 x 25 2-story post and beam barn from the late 1800s (my guess) on my property. It was converted in to a car garage at some point in the past. We park our cars in it in the winter. There is significant rot in some of the sills and one of the corner posts up to about the beams which form the 2nd floor. The building has a very good roof and remains square with the exception of one of the end walls has slid out about 3 to 4″ at the base.
I live near Poughkeepsie, NY. Can anyone here recommend someone to contact to evaluate repairing the main structure of my barn?
I’ve considered tackling the repairs myself and could probably improve the structure somewhat but I’m not a professional and have no experience in post and beam construction.
Thanks, Gerry
Try George Yononne, of George Yonnone restorations, out of Lenox, MA. His web site is http://www.gyrestorations.com, and he's been doing that type of work for 20+ years.