Prices for rooftop solar systems fall

Prices for Rooftop Solar Systems Falling
MCLEAN, Va.—Prices for rooftop solar systems, including installation, have fallen 8% to 10% since October and are expected to drop another 15% to 20% this year. An oversupply of worldwide manufacturing capacity and lower demand are cited as the reasons for the trend. In the U.S., installations are eligible for a tax credit that reduces system prices by 30%. A cap on the existing credit was removed as of Jan. 1, which means effective prices are likely to be reduced by more than 50% this year.
You talking PV or solar thermal?? What is your point? Are you selling this product?
You talking PV or solar thermal?? What is your point? Are you selling this product?
I take the point to be that prices of panels are dropping which is good for anyone wanting to install a PV system. If one was unaware that prices were falling one might be suckered into paying too much for a system.
Lower installed prices make payback periods shorter which makes financing a system more attractive.
Good info
Yeah, maybe I came on strong. Straight shooter, though. Honest question, too (of which I still don't know the answer). Simply knowing the prices of panels are dropping will not help me know if I'm being 'ripped off'. Knowing what I might have expected to pay previously and now would be the helpful information to know. Can't compare and make informed decisions without knowing at least two sides of the story.
I meant no disrespect ... just trying to cut to the chase so that people don't just start running out there buying stuff they don't understand.
I hope the OP answers my question.
Email always reads pretty harsh as do post to forums. It's not hard to insult folks, what's hard is not insulting 'em.
Anyway, I reviewed my post and it was a bit harsh too. Sorry. :-)
No worries, dude. Just exchanging thoughts. We all get exciting talking about stuff that is passionate to us ... at least I hope we do.
I mean no disrespect to anyone willing to maintain an open mind and share thoughts and not act like we know it all (even though I know more than you ... ah ... just kidding!!!) I know a little about a lot and a lot about very little (I wish I knew what I know a lot about). Are you following this? Maybe you know a lot about something I know very little about ... that begins to make life whole.
Glad to converse w/ you. I value your point(s) of view. ahem ... not supposed to talk like that on a testosterone based website ... We're supposed to stand around the shop and spit, belch, and scratch ourselves ... and talk about how we once nailed our hand to the floor sheathing with a pneumatic nailer .... COOL!!!!
Yeah, or a belt sander to the crotch.
S'cool dude.
I saw the story on my weekly ASHRAE Industry news and thought it would be of interest. I do not sell these products. If after reading the story, the other question remians, I can offer no further help.
Edited 1/19/2009 8:09 am by Tim
It's cool. The way you presented it maybe looked to me a little like someone sneaking in a commercial in a posting. The bold blue title and the link and all. No offense intended.
Nice to know, thanks for the link.