I have done a lot of 2 man crew work and could contain cost projections on this size of crew, but I just did a job where I pulled in 1 and 2 more men and feel that is where my estimate went Awry… I had to start paying for water and ice,so much comfort items that seem my duty, so I think I hit the “administration and site” expense threshold, coupled with a “zealous bid” I bit it hard this time…I feel like I should have made more than “lead-man” wages on this (a hip roof over a 450 sq ft mansard and install and finish 1600 sq ft (all surface) interior to high quality gypsum,(near spotlight quality) Job.I was probably poor by reason of a little of under estimation on the hip structure, and a little on the large crew factors working here. I would appreciate any help I can get for my future jobs…
Right now I think I will be citing to the prospect that there is a tremendous cost envolved in Large crew production…
Scribe once, cut once!
It's definitely harder to get a good day's work out of more men... especially when it's not your usual crew and you just got them together for a quick job. Alone, I figure I'm 90% effective. Get another guy with me and we can drop that real quick. Get a few more and we're chasing each other around the job trying to figure out who's on first and who's going to hold the other end of the board. Now, when we work together a little while and get it all sorted out, we start to rock and get back to 90% (or whatever level...) pretty quick. But it can be a little chaotic at first, because it takes some time for a crew to gel.
I've seen foremen who could run ten men so well it was scary, and I've seem 'em that can't get anything out of three guys. It's all personality, and how prepared you are. When I'm going to have more than one other guy on the job I spend lots of time getting ready so I can fire the gun and everyone's moving.
Right I'm ok with another body around,and stay tied up in what I'm doing, so my plan is train my #2 man and encourage him to use the other men,( I was in the Navy and I won an argument with an officer while I was an N-C-O about right to delegate) so I pass it on, and leave no doubts in any one's mind about how the chain of command is formed...
I also must confess, as much to my self,I priced for everything but the real profit margin on this job...Scribe once, cut once!