Propane Fireplace and tank size

Looking to run a direct vent 22,500 – 31,000 btu with the following spec for pressure….
Natural Propane (LP)
Inlet Minimum 11.0″ w.c.
Inlet Maximum 13.0″ w.c.
Manifold Pressure 10.0″ w.c.
What size tank can this be run off of? And for how long? Dual needed for better pressure?
There are 91500 BTUs in a gallon of propane, 22000 BTUs in a pound of propane. So your fireplace will burn a bit more than a pound an hour.
Pressure is not an issue--a 5-gal. propane tank would supply plenty of pressure, but would soon be emptied. The question of size has more to do with how much available space you have for the tank itself.
Most people want a tank large enough so that it need not be filled very often--like about 150-gal or more. The limiting factor may be the restrictions in the Fire Code for your locality. The International Fire Code used by most jurisdictions wll require certain clearances from buildings and property lines.
Usually, the propane companies will be familiar with the limitations that apply. Your surest bet is to call your local Fire Marshall.
Call the propane company
I'd call either of the local propane companies, and tell them what I was installing, and how often I wanted to fill it.
They would give me a quote for the install, and a quote to check my piping and installation if I elected to do the work myself.
After my side was done, they would then set the tank, and run the line from the tank to the building entrance, and install an appropriately sized regulator.