We are planning to replace an elevated deck with a paver patio. The back door to the house is several feet above current grade, and the exterior brick extends down to the current grade. Our lot falls off toward the back, so in some places as much as half of the basement wall is exposed.
Question: if we build the patio base up so that it is a couple of feet above the current grade, covering some of the brick wall, do we need to protect the bricks in any way? My primary concern is moisture, but that may or may not be a concern, and there may be other things that I’m overlooking.
Location is SE Michigan. The basement wall (on the other side of the referenced brick) is poured concrete with one course of concrete block at the top. At the moment, the basement is unfinished (i.e, the concrete wall is un-insulated).
Thanks for your thoughts.
If you are going to cover a basement wall with soil, yes you need to waterproof it, and you should probably consider some form of foundation drain. There are "paint on" exterior waterproofing products that might work well for you. Just follow the directions carefully.
"Put your creed in your deed." Emerson
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
it is important to think of that brick veneer as a sponge as it will wick any ground moisture just like any other porous product. any wood framing behind the veneer could be affected by this and rot.
this is an important area for the correct waterproofing membrane.
we have repaired quite a few rotted rim joists from issues like this.
the membrane should go at least 6" below the concrete / concrete block joint and at least 6" above grade with a termination flashing at the top of the membrane.
carpenter in transition
timkline & FastEddie - thanks for your responses. I will make sure that waterproofing and drainage are addressed.