thinking about a new hand pruning saw.
asked at over the fence and got these recommended.
Corona RS-7040
Felco ( they make several)
SILKY they make several
any opinions here?
will be used around the house
bobl Volo, non valeo
“But when you’re a kibbutzer and have no responsibility to decide the facts and apply the law, you can reach any conclusion you want because it doesn’t matter.” SHG
I see the Silky saws getting high acclaim from other pecan producers, Bob, but I've never even handled one. I do see them on ebay from time-to-time.
bobl - I use the felco -
it is scary sharp and capable of amazing cuts -
the blade is brittle and will break if your techinque isn't good - particularly easy to snap the tip
it is difficult/impossible to sharpen, just get a new blade -
I'd recommend getting two - or at least a spare blade
Corona makes good tools - their wooden handled loppers are my favorite - their saw is fine
Silky, I am not familiar with -
"it is scary sharp and capable of amazing cuts -the blade is brittle and will break if your techinque isn't good - particularly easy to snap the tip"my technique stinks, hmmm
bobl Volo, non valeo
Baloney detecter WFR
"But when you're a kibbutzer and have no responsibility to decide the facts and apply the law, you can reach any conclusion you want because it doesn't matter." SHG
I've got several Silky saws, GOMBOY folding is excellent. Highland woodworking .com can hook you up. I've found that the new blade is almost as much as a new saw. 22 for the replacement blade vs. 30 for the handle and blade.
Actually you had the link to silky's site. my bad. I order from highlands often so I save on shipping if I buy silky products from there with an asst. of other goodies."you are dead a lot longer than you are alive"Noah Aaron MacKenzie, 1990.
I usually figure out what I want then go looking for where to get it.
bobl Volo, non valeo
Baloney detecter WFR
"But when you're a kibbutzer and have no responsibility to decide the facts and apply the law, you can reach any conclusion you want because it doesn't matter." SHG
Santa brought me a Silky.
bobl Volo, non valeo
Baloney detecter WFR
"But when you're a kibbutzer and have no responsibility to decide the facts and apply the law, you can reach any conclusion you want because it doesn't matter." SHG
Santa knows his saws!! Happy New Year!
I second the silky nomination... scary sharp. they have a couple of gently hooked saws with scabbards too, so it wont slice things it shouldnt!
I have a Corona (because it was cheaper than a Silky) for occasional use and it's fine, but when I was hanging around some Professional tree climber/cutter forums (taught myself to climb) they seemed to all love the Silkys.
The best pruing saw has been my Dewalt battery powered sawzall. I can pick the right blade tooth count and since it takes but a moment and little effort I do it more frequently and better. Plus I can prune much higher in the apple tree. I put an 18 inch blade on and can reach fully two feet further. standing on a 12 foot apple orchard ladder that allows me a lot of reach.
PS Since I use the apple orchard ladder in construction it's only fair that I use the contruction tools in the orchard. ;-)
Take the sawzall, lash it to a 16' 2x4, and stand on the ground to cut most anything...buic