PVC pipe seal to old concrete trench drain box

I am looking for advice on how to seal a new PVC pipe into an old concrete trench drain box. The original clay pipe was crushed by tree roots. The tree roots have now been removed and I’d like to keep the trench drain along the driveway, tie in the new pipe, and route it to out fall towards an existing swale away from the house and garage. We are located in UP Michigan, so I’m looking for a product that would stay watertight through cold, rain and dirt.
Additionally when I lay the non-perforated pipe to the swale I was going to set in a lake rocks. I want to conceal the pipe. If it is not perforated do I still need to wrap it with filter fabric and top with stone? The tree (which was dead) is now gone so that the roots and leaves should no longer be an issue.
Can you post a picture of the end of the drain box along with the size of the pipe?
The purpose of filter fabric is to prevent silt & fines from entering INTO a stretch of perforated pipe. Not perforated - why wrap?
Depending on how close a fit the hole in the old concrete is to the new PVC pipe, you can stuff some foam backer rod into the space and use a polyurethene caulk/adhesive.
If it is too large or gappy, you can do some masonry repair/patch around a one size larger pipe, then backer and caulk between the pipes
You might think about some screen on the pipe input, or just plan to lift the end rocks over the pipe and wash out out the pipe. Stuff will tend to collect inside the end if the pipe.
If you end up with critters living in the pipe, you man decide to put some hardware cloth on either/both ends of your new pipe