Quick Bathroom ‘design’ question …

I’m fitting utilities into a new bathroom (my own place) and I was told by the inspector to “be sure to leave at least 24″ in front of the toilet”. Then I saw a reference in one of the Tauntaun books that mentioned leaving a min. of 30″ in front of the sink. But THEN I saw something mentioned in only one of the several books that I’m refering to that said that there needed to be 18 – 24″ at the side of the tub! No where else can I find this and the inspectors in my town are not open to questions unless you go downtown and hunt them down. The UPC is not available anywhere on line (that I can find) and I don’t own a copy.
Does anyone here know whether or not there is an actual Uniform Plumbing Code requirement for ‘side-clearance’ on a tub? I’ve got my toilet alongside the tub at one end; that is, the end of the tub against a wall, and the back of the toilet against the same wall centered around 16″ to the side of the tub which will leave about 6 or 7 inces between them at the back end of the tub.
15in. from side of tub to center of toilet
Yes .. I know this , and stated that I had 16" in my original post. But your response doesn't address my question at all.
My question was 'is there something in the UPC or in the UBC about allowing an area of clearance to the side of a tub as there is for the front of the sink and the toilet?' For the sink it is 30" min. in front ... no mention of side --- for the toilet it is 24" min. in front... no mention of side clearance ---- and for the tub?... nobody knows!!!
thanks -
Edited 9/25/2008 7:50 pm ET by newbuilder