Rafters/rafter ties and temporary post

Hello all,
I bought a house and the older garage has a temporary post in the center of the garage supporting the rafter ties. What’s the best route to support the rafters and rafter ties to remove this post. I was thinking a 2×6 strong back and a king post up to the point. What are your guys thoughts?
farage is 24 fr long X 20ft wide most the rafter ties are 2ft on center, 2 rafter ties are missing so 2 spots have 4ft rafter tie spacing.
are the rafters one piece or are they spliced?
One piece, rafter ties are 4x6 too
The roof doesn’t have too much of a sag, must have stated and they threw that support in to prevent further sagging. We do get heavy snow here too so that could have caused it
I'm not seeing the 'temporary' post.
I do see what appears to be a 4x6 ridge beam. Rafter ties appear to be 2x6 to me.
What is your end goal after removing the post (that I can't discern)? Attic-like space in a garage tends to accumulate a lot of stuff - are you hoping to beef up the ceiling joists to carry that stuff?
Your location would help to elicit practical thoughts.
It’s in the bottom right corner of the first picture. It has a 4x4x8ft right above it to support 3 beams. I just want to remove the post and prevent future sagging, the post is right where you would open your car door so it’s hard to park in there. I am in northern Minnesota.
It appears to me (after reading your reply) that the single post supports a 4x4 running under the ceiling joists. Is that the only post? Perhaps that was installed to provide additional support for something stored above that was really heavy.
The attached file shows your pics with my notations about what I think I'm seeing. More pics (with a broader view) might be helpful.