wood ceiling(4×8 plywood sheets screwed to joists with 3″ screws). structurally sound. installed 14 years ago. spackling on seams looked awful. In 2018 paid a contractor to texture the entire ceiling and hide the spackled seams. I dont know what he used, but some fell after 3 months. He said it was not his fault, but he fixed it. All was fine until more fell last month. we can see that it’s not sticking in other spots too. So, more will fall. I wish I left it as it was. it looked yucky, but was stable.
contractors what to remove wood and add drywall for 3 to 5k$.
if I can remove the texturing what can I do to pretty up the existing ceiling without removing it?
I need something that lasts. Like the plaster on the ceilings of the attached house.
indoor eff apartment attached to my house. both built in 1952. West central Florida. current tenant uses AC 24/7, but future tenants might not. i want whatever I do to last!
thanks, paul