I have shower doors that were installed about 30 years ago. The bottom track was loose and letting water leak, so I removed the doors and track. The side of the track that sits on the edge of the tub is hollow and was filled with someting that had the consistancy of putty (as least where it hadn’t shrunk and hardened. I assume it was caulk. In any case, to make my ignorance totally clear, I need to figure out what to do next. If I fill the hollow on the bottom of the track with a lot of silicone caulk, will it stay in place when I turn it over to place it on the tub, or will it just be a major mess? Same issue for the pieces that go on the walls, but they will not need as much caulk. Is there something better to use? Thanks.
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There is no generic 2-ft. rule. Use the code tables to dial in joist spans and overhangs based on accurate engineering.
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When I install shower door assemblies, I mark out the edges of the track on the tub deck . I then apply silicone as a constant bead just inside tose lines (which the track will sit over). Do not fill the weep holes in the upper inside edge of the track.
Since this is a re-install and you've manipulated the track getting it out.............. I would put a gentle bend (not much) DOWN on the middle of the track. This should make for a tighter install when both ends are pushed down by the side pcs.
After install, I run a very small bead on both the inside and outside of the track and side pcs. Also in the corners where the sides hit the track.
Be sure to fill the holse in the side pcs (and into the wall or tub sides if a surround) where your screws go (before you install them). Another point of water entry behind the tracks.
B/4 you do any re-install, clean the surfaces of the tub, sides and shower track pcs. Really clean!
Reinstalling Shower Doors
Thank you. What do you use to mark the edges of the bottom track? Tape?
Tape would work. Even just pcs of tap (dotted line) A pencil line if just inside where the track will sit. Dots from a wax pencil-wipes off easily.