Need to remove vinyl flooring from a terrazzo concrete floor. Broke out the big scrapper and lifted the vinyl off pretty easy
However, the backing is extremely tenacious. Looking for alternatives to hours of hard scrapping. Maybe soak it with something to
make backing lift easier?
Do be aware that if the vinyl was installed prior to maybe 1980 it (or the mastic holding it) likely contains asbestos.
We had this problem on a job and the homowners were doing the tear out over the weekend. Seems they dumped a big bucket of water , didn't notice for quite a while..........
When they did notice they used my good fine bristled push broom to move the water and resultant adhesive scum around for cleanup. I ended up with a one big single bristle broom (of the hardened adhesive) and they got the adhesive off quite easily.
try hot water on a spot and see what happens, you might get lucky.
and no, you can't borrow my broom.