Removing dishwasher that has been epoxied to granite
Help! Our former handyman used epoxy to attach our dishwasher to our granite counter tops. It needs to be serviced tomorrow. How can we get the dishwasher out? He completely glued over the metal tabs to the granite.
epoxied DW
Can you get to the tabs and cut them off, either with a multi-tool or a hacksaw blade? They're usually pretty soft material and are at the front to prevent the DW from tipping when the door is opened.
Yes, that is what we are currently thinking... I read somewhere about heating up the epoxy, but I guess that is tricky with granite as well.
How do we reattach the dishwasher (if it is repairable)? Can you buy new "tabs"??
securing dishwasher
Preferrable leave the metal tabs undisturbed. See if you can grind the epoxy off with a multi-tool like the Fein.
Once the dw is out - can you epoxy a strip of plywood under the granite, then fasten the dw tabs. You do not need big screws, they only prevent the dw sliding forward/backward.
Heating up the epoxy could damage the granite; it is a natural product. Plus you cannot really control the temperature of the flame or metal tip
Likewise, I wouldn't use heat because of the risk of damage to the granite.
A multi-tool with a scraper blade should work, but if you don't happen to have such a tool, try this...
Use a putty knife (or even an old kitchen knife), heat it and press it into the epoxy. It should soften and cut it. Repeat as necessary. Oh yeah, use a pot holder or similar to protect your hands.
The ideal thing would be a multi-tool (Multimaster) with a scraper blade, to cut through the epoxy. Or just a hacksaw blade.
If the anchors are damaged beyond repair you can usually buy a new kit or just fashion something out of framing anchors.
Many DWs come with a kit (or maybe its optional) that allows anchoring to the cabinet sides, to deal with granite countertops.
(Normally 99% of what you'd need to do to a DW can be done from the front, without removing the unit.)