replaceing wall shingles,what to use

I’ve been asked to help on a project replacing some cedar sidewall shingles on a slightly curved wall, not all of them but just as needed. is this feasable?
I seem to remember a tool called a shingle ripper, would that be the tool to use?
If so, where can I get one?
Any help is appreciatted
Thanks for the source, can anyone give me tips for doing this?
I think, to install the replacements, you wood nail just under the upper course and then drive the shingle up somehow to hide the nail. Then what, cut the excess shingle off at the bottom?
What size nails ? Number of nails per shingle ?
Oh, did I mention I have to do this all from a manlift/telehandler?
As far as removing the shingles, I use small cats paw and pry bars. You need to remove all the nails that are through the shingle you want to remove, so that can mean going up three courses. I slip the cats paw under the shingle, grap the head of the nail and then twist the nail out. I found that a shingle ripper can leave stubs of nails that come back to haunt you. Once the shingle is out, re-nail the shingles that are under the one you are replacing. I then insert the new shingle until the butt of the new one is 1/4 inch lower than the others in that course and nail it with the nails tight to the upper butt line. Set the nails flush with a nail set, and then tap the shingle up until the butt lines are equal. As far as number of nails, I place nails 3/4 inch from the edge and I don't use shingles over 9 inches wide.
Pictures of the cats paws that I use attached (If I did it right)
I'm Dan Boyle, and I approve of this message.
Edited 8/21/2008 11:58 am ET by Dan612
liveon..... a shingle thief is the right tool... sometimes augmented by a 12" metal cutting sawzall but beware... you need about 2 to 3 ft. to work the thief.. so if the bottom course is at a deck or something, you have to figure on ripping about the bottom 3' also.. thiefing shingles is extremely slow & tedious..... i f you are within about 3' of a cut off point... like a window sill ... or a soffit... or a rake area....
don't bother thiefing.. just rip the whole sectionand... the curved wall is going to complicate things a little alsohave fun.......Mike Hussein Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
Edited 8/21/2008 1:13 pm ET by MikeSmith
" thiefing shingles is extremely slow & tedious "
Doesn't seem like my kind of job
I really dont want the job, but this guy has referred some good jobs to me in the past and I feel obligated
fall asleep with your nose on the enter key? LOL
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I have no idea what I did.
It was a waste of paper, or,space anyway !