Replacing/Repairing Veneered doors.

I have been charged with fixing/replacing a pair of matching doors in a church building. The veneer is coming off the solid core doors and I was wondering if one could get replacement veneer to re-veneer the doors and if so, where could I find veneer of that size. Most of what I’ve seen is smaller. Has anyone tried this. It seems that would be the cheapest and time consuming solution. I am assuming the only other alternative would be to replace them with new doors.
Edited 10/21/2009 11:27 pm ET by Tinkerer3
Can you be a little more specific about the doors? Are they architecturally/historically significant or just a couple of flush slabs. What's the veneer, oak, luan? Painted, stained.
I think they are birch, clear finish, solid, fire rated, w/nine lite . No historical significance - just something to separate the inside from the weather. I have experienced several doors like these (in fact these were a replacement some twenty years ago)and vow to never have a clear finished door exposed to the weather again. The thirty inch doors are paired making a sixty inch total opening.
I wouldn't bother reveneering them, that's just another maintenance project waiting to happen. Time to invest in a new entry system that can withstand the rigors of commercial use.
Thanks, I have gathered that from talking to store sales people. I appreciate hearing from someone who has no ulterior motives. If I did veneer, I would certainly want to put a protected finish on it. What would you suggest as an new entry system that would last?
Edited 10/22/2009 8:35 pm ET by Tinkerer3
I'd start looking at something like ThermaTru's Classic Craft or Fiber Classic series (or something comparable). These are fiberglass doors that are textured and finished to resemble wood (assuming that is the look you are after). They carry excellent warrantees for residential applications, not sure about their warrantees for commercial applications though.