We are building a new house and the plans call for a W8x18. Beam length is 62′ max span is 13′-6 1/2 O.C. an the shortest span is 7′-10″. Does any one know what size beam we can go with to eliminate some columns? We are useing ICF (Insulate Concrete Forms) so we could use a taller beam but we don’t want to go too high.
I almost forgot, Ranch house non-load bearing interior walls, 32′ wide
Tim Kiser
Edited 9/10/2003 6:50:17 PM ET by tim
Sorry, it'll have to be re-engineered by somebody qualified with the plans in frojnt of him/her
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You would have to have the plans with all the flooring and walls laid out, so that someone could do the calculations. Should be someone who knows what they are doing.
Even as a rabid DIY I'd need to go with the pro's advice on this one, the "details" given say nothing except somebody hasn't a clue what's involved, plus as implied in previous response, that loads gotta go somewhere, like footings, etc, etc. etc.
Ditto what the other guys said - Someone needs your plans to figure out the answer to that question.
Try going to the lumberyard you plan to buy materials from. Ask them where they get beams from, and if the supplier will size them. Then see what you need to do to get the changes approved by the local building department.
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I found out that we could use a w8x31 15'-6" O.C. Thanks
That sounds reasonable for one story.
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