See picture. This outlet is in the middle of a circuit. I want to add a pull-chain light using this outlet.
Can I just add the bulb black wire to either brass screw and the bulb white wire to either silver screw? Or, something completely different? Also, the only scrap wire on hand for the new light is 12 AWG. I presume that is OK to use with the other 14 AWG wire on the rest of the 15 A circuit. Thanks.
That would all be fine. You should hook up the bare ground wire as well.
Would be better to take the existing wire off the ground screw, join it to your new cable ground wire, and also to a short bare wire you then hook back to the outlet ground screw.
(Better than trying to get two wires under a single screw)
Assuming you plan to run wire inside the wall to a suitable electric box that will hold the new light.
You should be aware that electric cable specifications changed a while ago. cable marked as NM is rated for 60 Degrees C. newer NM-B cable includes wire insulation rated for 90 degrees C.
Current code, and most light fixtures you can buy, assume and require the higher temperature rated wire.
Yes, it is NM-B. The plastic pull-chain cover has no ground. The junction box is also plastic. Fortunately, un-finished on backside of wall up to light mounted on bottom of floor joist. Thanks.
You still should connect the ground wire for the use of someone in the future who might install a fixture that needs it. At least don't cut it off short.
You should pigtail that receptacle and the light and use the screws for the connection, the push in connectors are considered unreliable (at least in all the electrical books I've read).
I am pretty sure code dictates that pull chains are only allowed in certain areas (closets and basements?)