Lowes has 7/16″ OSB at 7.19 a sheet here in KY. I only snagged 10 for future chicken coop and some odds and ends. I found my last reciept from Dec.05…19.93 ea.
I would have gotten more, but the truck was getting too small with all the other stuff I had goin on.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
There is no cure for stupid. R. White.
.... ain't china great....??
You think OSB is Made in China?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
There is no cure for stupid. R. White.
hey bud- i'm of the opinion as of late anything sold in lowes, the depot, wal-mart. the lion share of the stuff , is imported from the china's. after listening to stuff about trade defiect's, we are selling way to much of the farm to other countries. my lumber yard have replaced alot of there plywood made in the u.s.a. with stuff from china and the quality is pretty scary. voids ( big time), interior plys are piggy -backed with other and when cut pop slightly when left to the new found environs that there exposed to . i'm by no means a xenophobe , but holy christ at least give a product that i can work with , and not have to take more steps ($$) to fix.......... maybe it will get better , but that W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G. resonates with me. .." As the spirit wanes, the form appears."
I gotcha...lemme share a letter I sent to Vogelzang wood stoves last year...I had it up to my eyeballs trying to get anything from them to work ( all made in china)
lesse if it works.
Dear Vogelzang friends,
I really appreciated the fact that you were so kind to send me a new barrel stove door assembly. My original was warped so badly that it was impossible to get the ash cleanout door to close tightly enough for the gasket to engage with the raised lip around the opening. That certainly was a problem and continues to be a problem.
Now, I don’t mean to be looking a gift horse in the mouth but, the new door and frame you sent, well..it is junk. If you inspect the hinge hole location ( where it is broken) you will notice that it is way off from where it would like to be. It arrived broken, I did not even attempt to install it, and being as it is so out of alignment , that it too would never work as planned.
While I understand that all of your goods are now made in China, and I for one, really have disdain for the lack of quality that comes from China, I guess you do what you have to do. I am now asking if you have anyone here in the US that works as a quality assurance inspector prior to shipping an obviously flawed part?
I am returning only the ash door, and kindly ask that you make a second attempt at rectifying this situation. I trust we can work this out, without my pile of scrap Chinese cast iron not growing any larger.
Thank you all so much, I am disappointed that my other ordered woodstove was back ordered so long that I had to continue to use the barrel stove for yet another season, but then again ,maybe it was a blessing in disguise if it too would have been so prone to defect.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
There is no cure for stupid. R. White.
So what happened?
I am HIRING a MASON and building the damm heater I want instead of dicking around with woodstoves and crappy metals.
I have tons of real sweet limestone that used to be the old fireplace and chimney here, all tooled 4 square and such.
In theroy, a fire box surrounded by air chambers and a flue that serpentines, to capture more wasted hot gasses...and a LOT of MASS.
we'll see, the mason is back logged till NEXT summer, so I may have to get a new barrel, cobbble up a combination of parts and make a heater for this coming yr. only, I hope.
I am not a very good stone worker ( yet) but by God, I can learn right fast. LOL
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
There is no cure for stupid. R. White.
Howz the cat?
Went to vet, they sedated him and shaved his leg. Opened up the wound ( rabbit bite) and cleaned it out..sewed him up and sent him home at 200 this after noon.
Anesthesia was still wearing off when we got home, half hour later he went out side...still out as far as I know...back after rabbits. He weighed in at 22 lbs!
Tuff little bastard cost me 119.00, but hey, I love him.
I gotta catch him and keep the antibiotics up, and re-de- worm him, lesson learned, do not eat rabbits, (a) they bite back, (B) they have worms.
Thanks fer checking up on him.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
There is no cure for stupid. R. White.
Calvin has one right ?
I dunno, he wouldn't let me in the house at the fest last yr.(G)
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
There is no cure for stupid. R. White.
ya I feel yur pain bro. My cat Spudd has had to get fixed up twice at the vet for various wounds from being a scrappy lil' bastid. First one was from inside ear to side of the mouth cut, shaved half of his head and had to give him his meds orally. They were in pill form and half the time he just spit them out. Also had his nad's clipped to keep him from so much violence. Total (250.00)
The next time he came back with a limp tail. I thought he had broken it. You could pick it up and it would just drop back down limp. Took him to the vet and they shaved his azz and found two puncher wounds at the base of his tail. Cleaned out the wounds and more antibiotics, this time liquid form. Much easier to administer. Total (135.00)
Now I have an airsoft gun by the back door to "help him ward off" the unfreindlies while he patrols the perimeter. Good fun too.
Only two things money can't buy, True Love and Home Grown Tomatoes...Misty River Band
Ohhhh, I been there many a time. Even when I called the vet, I calmly told and asked politly what time will you SEE us.. I also explained the medical proceedure I wanted done, sedate, shave and cleanse...LOL
I have had over 30 quats in my life, some are special, some are just PITA's, like my feral quat that came with the house, she has caused as many wounds on MR.P , as the rabbits and my dog does. The dog and 'P" grew up together, so thay play pretty ruff ( thats funny right there)...Both have calmed down some, but man when ED wants a pc. of cat, they tangle.
The absolute worst part was hanging on to him on the table while these two sweet wimmin vets did the exam, I look like I walked thru a cactus patch, twice.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Thats great!
I have so many rabbits here it aint funny. The old siberian husky used to kill and eat them, so this is the first year I noticed the problem. Didn't know about the worms, now I ought to worm the old dog, and the 2 young ones. She's 14, rabbit killing days are pretty much over, but I wouldn't be surprised to see another few bite the big one.
Let me build it.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
Wanna help? Seriously? We can do the fire box in a day, the flues in another..Italian wife will feed us ( I hope).
Fer real...when it gets cooler, I got the rocks and the mud mix.
Poured the foundation on her birthday in Sept last yr. ( whoops, she just woke up and said, "I'll start cookin")
Be here or be there and square Daddy-o..
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Sure. We'll have a big time. I always wanted to learn masonry.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
Cool. I have the plans or something close, we can use them to fire the first fire. These rocks almost lay them selves and are all ready to be fitted...I.E. NO cutting, just a good sense of where goes what, and good tunes.
Dead nuts serious, about Sept. I gotta be on it. Bring the missus and the dog...remember Eddy? He needs a good gal pal, all the dogs around here are gay males..actually, same holds true for my wife.
What is it an hour and a half from us?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
I'll do it. What the heck. The dog needs a good safe place to run. We'll drop acid. No just kidding PRANK CALL! PRANK CALL! PRANK CALL! CLICK.
Serious it might be fun.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
I am serious. Safe place to run? What from your beastiality endeavors? LOL. Eddy wil show her the Waco Dance moves, he wards off all these fag dogs my neighbor has..these buggers are weird.
Is she fixed? I wish I had left Eddy have his parts, but being a pound puppy, I had to commit his lozenges to the great ball licker in the sky.
Cereal, Hotcakes, or Cheerios, we can rock this MF in a day.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Yea she's fixed you weirdo.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
If I wasn't "wierd". I'd be alone, cuz we all have our 'stuff'.
Thems that think 'normal' can get outta my way.
I might not be as erudite and concise in my wattleing tremors of insights...but the farkin macular cell divided beings can be simple in thier own right.
####-damm..I am sober, and typing this....back to the helium.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
....back to the helium.
Are you sure thats not nitrous oxide?
Heres a picture of Spudd De` Kat
Only two things money can't buy, True Love and Home Grown Tomatoes...Misty River Band
Great shot. I love B&W photos, when I was at 35mm all the processing cost twice what color was...digital is sooo sweet.
it is 130 o clock am...and Mr.P is still awol. I gott afind hizzas and get some shut eye..
See ya soon. and Thanks. I love cats.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
ya digital rocks, photography is my "other" hobbie. Only two things money can't buy, True Love and Home Grown Tomatoes...Misty River Band
You sure you never built tennis courts in the Adirondaks? By the stream?
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
What the hell are you referring to? Ya lost me.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Ever use a hydraulic chainsaw under water?
Only on Thursdays.
Are you staying at Gunners house and drinking the soup with a straw again?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
So, do you own any yellow tools?
I ain't talking to you..I got you on ignore, so there.
But , I did paint all my tools ( except the unpaintable) yellow and black, hoping they'd mate with carpenter bees and do it all by them selves, so I can sit in the van and drink coffee, and point.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Could you say:
Just finished a huge dock in the last year. I have built log homes...docks....tennis courts...Paint professionally...residential electric...plumbing...septic systems...heating systems...radiant floors...jacking homes...concrete...framing...siding...roofing...finish...kitchens...baths...hardwood floors...custom staircases...lots of decks...window replacement...layed block...built a few boats...taught Kayaking...Cross country skiing...Hang gliding...Ultralight flying...built ten aircraft...test flown over a hundred different planes...scuba dive...barefoot ski...snowboard...telemark...vball...and lots more blue buddy...
I got about ten minutes till I get on the roof and start cutting back the sheathing for R&R. Would you PLEASE enlighten me, you got the EMAIL addy. I gotta appeaze the old lady before it gets hotter than it is already.
Call me clueless.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
AJ or Adirondak Jack. had the hottest temper. He would get so mad it was funny. He hated the prospero change, found love with a mountain woman and disapeared. Knew what he was talking about though.
Whew, the suspense was killing me. LOL
Before my time ( thank god).
Goin up and see how bad it is heat wise...gotta remove roof, I hate that.
Be back soon I think, too freaking hot already.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
A little late to the party...
Clearly, a masonry stove is the answer for a low(er) mass house. Why Cal shuts his down when it gets cold I don't understand.
You all set for plans? I ask, cuz I've got plans for a wide design variety. In Finnish, but I can get a translation. Originally planned for one here- until I found out we had no use.
You and Gunner are on your own for construction. I still ain't gonna bring that rock. Got a ~20 tonner that I'm playing with now. Hoping 2 tractors will get it moving.
Here're a couple of stove examples:PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
Oh man, we gotta talk. I and the DW just fell in love with the second one.
I just got whacked on the nose bridge by wasps up on the pole jacks, and I am losing my eyelids as we speak, from swelling.
I might be going to the hospital if she won't quit pesterin me about it...you inside where I can call?
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Busy, busy, .... I'm online. Online answering machines don't work with this ISP. Off shortly. Working drawings and what I think are instructions are in the other catalog. Have to send a scan to my benefactor in Finland unless you've got local talent. That's one amazing language. She dropped in here last yr, been thinkin' it'd be nice to see her new digs.
Slice an onion. Just got that advice this am about bee stings. Promised to give immediate relief.
Forgot to mention that I got a small load of what I believe is ice and water shield shoved in my van yesterday. Ain't EPDM like the guy thought. Anyhoo, you got any use? I don't. 3.8 rolls, whatever size they are. No delivery... PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
This will give you a little of the flavor.
From: The_Tennis_Court_Builder_...on_t 12/29/2000 10:44 am
To: ALL (25 of 42)
8500.25 in reply to 8500.24
What is a tea kettle doing on your desk?....Yes Phill, morons can pop circuits....That's why we have the breakers...There for the morons.near the moron stream,aj
Options Reply And this one
From: The_Tennis_Court_Builder_...on_t 3/9/2001 3:44 pm
To: ALL (14 of 64)
3552.14 in reply to 3552.13
David....I am glad ya can wire guy...and I want an invite to hang out in Alaska soon!As to your comeback post...good thoughts....But do not encourage on the net to use wire nuts in the main panel or to have more than one wire to each breaker...Electricians know that the breaker is designed with a spot for wire left and right of the screw but that's not the point. The point is to run one wire to one breaker.Like tennis...there are many unwritten "rules" of acceptability...And neatness is one of the first noticed. Simplicity is a close second.near the e stream,ajAnd overdoing things is just as bad as underdoing...No 20a breakers in bedroom circuits...You can use 14 or 12 wire...but the breaker should be a 15. Don't run the gfi in the cellar with one four miles away in the kitchen...The next homeowners will never be able to find the tripped gfi that stopped the coffee maker...so much more to it...BTW, IIRC AJ was a "self taugh" and not a licensed electrican.
From: Phill_Giles 12/29/2000 10:52 pm
To: ALL (26 of 42)
8500.26 in reply to 8500.25
Not everyone has room for a stove running on 110 like you do AJ.
Options Reply
From: The_Tennis_Court_Builder_...on_t 12/30/2000 10:07 am
To: ALL (27 of 42)
8500.27 in reply to 8500.26
More moronic yak....I suppose I have to tell you that stove thread was a joke....I can't believe the answers that are given when electric yak threads start amongst the armchair experts and carpenters and Project Managers....Wow...Yup...wow.Near the Unionville Woodwright with a side degree in armchair electric,aj
Options Reply
From: Steve_Merrette 12/30/2000 12:19 pm
To: ALL (28 of 42)
8500.28 in reply to 8500.27
Electric armchairs? wow I though prison life was getting easy what with cable and all and now the death row gang has electric armchairs. incredible what will they think of next?
Options Reply
From: Steve_Merrette 12/30/2000 12:20 pm
To: ALL (29 of 42)
8500.29 in reply to 8500.28
AJ, cold winter got you a little grumpy?
Options Reply
From: The_Tennis_Court_Builder_...on_t 12/30/2000 12:55 pm
To: ALL (30 of 42)
8500.30 in reply to 8500.29
I actually get too much of a kick out of these goofy electric threads!...I laugh everytime I see a post!Chuckling near the stream,ajThe one thing I know,is most here know jack about electric...maybe it's the scarey, "Electricution" issues....!...He...He..
His Saturday night ramblings are more in line with what I was getting at. That clock in the stove one was an all time classic.
Used to be I couldn't stand the guy. Now I realize that he was an ingrediant to the recipe that makes this place what it was/is. I could probably get along with him pretty fine now. Especialy after I realized that I have abnout the same disdain for electrical threads. Not as extreme as he did, but along the same lines.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
Ya but ,
You keep your silence . What fun is that ? <G>
It's like beating your head against a wall of spikes.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
Bill , thanks for a laugh from the past as I always enjoyed his posts for entertainment .
I do see his point though.
I dont do this for a living but this is what I think,.... Still a classic .
Thanks you ruined my Sunday entertainment. It wasn't the temper that reminded me. It was the jibber talk. Yea I guess it's real intelligent.............in that universe. :)~
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
Your really starting to sound like a ghost from the archives. How do you feel about home owners getting electrical advice from the internet?
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
Ok. I am up to speed, I think. You are refering to 4lorns silence? Or is it a skin infection...
W T F.? ARE you saying?
If I am more prone to being more stoopid than usual, and you want preserve my pristine esteemed integrity, email me, Ya PHUCK. LOL. I think.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
No. Not him.
Have you ever been one with a mountain?
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
I am so F'n clueless it aint funny..I mean I MUST be OUT There alone.
started a great morning, cutting up the roof 15" from the drip, and adding subfascia and new decking, when POW! got wasped in the face...
I might be outta the loop for awhile.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
What kind of maroon goes up on a roof in this kind of hea.........................Uhh never mind I just realized who I was talking too. :)
love you sugar plumb *¿*
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
You gotta be on drugs to help with a fire place .
Mebbe cause I got too much of it with Dad. I dunno.
Ill post back some pics .
Well I've had a little stone laying experiance. I got frustrated with the mortar and glued em together with construction adhesive. I figure six beers Sphere will be listening to my expert opinions on the matter. Piece of cake.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
This is the hardest job I ever did bar none . This is a 42 ft three flue rock fireplace . My Father was the rock layer on this one with me helping him. It took many weekends to haul enough rocks from the mountains and a lot of them are select finds as Ill show some pics but the job of rock hunting does not get dismissed. The job its self took over three weeks . So theres probably somewhere around a month of time in it . It was built in 1976 and it was his personal house . Its in my house this morning which DW thought was cool to pass it on. I get to look at his work every day . He was the builder too. I did a gut and remodel but the fireplace hasnt changed. except the mantle and insert.
Here we go of some Southern living , lol.
Some different rocks and an old bottle
mebbe this is it
Man O man Tim! Cool pics. I thank you for the effort to do that.
Va Tom is sending the plans to me for the deal I gotta do...I doubt Gunner really wants to help, he was just being kind to me.
My stone is all set up as a wall right now, just waiting for the season to set it all up and have fun.
Thanks again.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Im pretty proud of the fireplaces history so I didnt mind at all. Its sort of like a portrait from my Dad and a memory of our time working together which will go down the tubes if I sell this house . I needed it to file anyway. Ill take some more and move them to disk, I hope . Picking the rocks and hauling them was an experience as well. There were serveral lunches ate on rocks by the creek. Several of his stories as well. If he was working he was happy and I could always get him to talk so I did . Its comming time to sell this house and move to the new building site so time moves on.
A plan is important although I dont know anything about the type you are buiding.
All I can say is there were a lot of fireplaces built wrong here mostly from lintel dimensions or height above roof . Then several burn out every year and cause house fires because the adjoing to the house wasnt done correctly. This one was a pos to keep straight going that high and using feild stone . I remember that and the gut wrenching work it was to hand lift those rocks up ladders to scaffolds inside the house after carrying them in from out side . And then the ones that didnt fit arrg.
Ive built some single story fireplaces and lots of wall , fences , flower beds and such but I didnt enjoy the work like he did . Its very hard work although small stuff you can reach easily reach is still enjoyable . I covered my porches with stone and that was pretty cool. He wanted to teach one of his sons the trade and I was the last chance as the other two said no although my middle brother that died did lay stone for his own uses. Its an art skill thats for sure but I have pretty much gave it up. DW doesnt think Ill ever do it again. Anyway my Grandfather was a stone mason and passed it on to my Father and one of his Brothers. Dad taught one other Bother to lay but he died as well. His other Brother is dieng now . Im the last in the family and I sure wont teach it for its too late in life. Not a big deal as Im not near as good as my Dad . He loved it and I never could say that.
Now Ive bored you with some history, lol.
Tim, Ya can't bore me. I live for the history and tales of those who travelled before me in uncertain waters.
I loved it.
Thank you.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Time you get done you might be hooked.
You have posted some things I know nothing about but through you I learned something .
Many others as well.
Yall were talkin about a damn motor cycle yesterday lol. I still dont know much . But this is where Ill make point to this post.
There were some that appreciated it from their own knowledge . Some offered knowledge they had or went googling . Even the googling was done from some sort of previous interrest .
Some people take a real interrest in that fireplace and walk around it picking out all those "pics" that Dad put in it . There are plenty that never notice it unless it has a fire in it or dont seem to. I on the other hand will silently serve as a rock critic.
Get ready for somthing that will partly change your life . When you see those rocks being placed or can see a whole that needs filled [when you should be asleep]and you are thinking where on the ground in the array of rocks that one lies is when you know you are hooked. When you see a rock on the side of the road and say , that would make a corner stone , your life will always be that way.
I know of what you speak. And I might add, you have a gift of poetic communication when you speak of that which you hold close to your heart. That is special, maybe your next calling?
I worked with a friend in NC that had a WAY with stone, Chiappy was him, Italian, drunk and a master at disguiseing his creative ingenuity. He once laid a perfect Indian head ( like the Nickle) in the stone work above a fire place..took the customers 5 yrs to realize what he had done.
It all is in the eye of the beholder, just might take a bit to realize it.
Tom sent me the "GUTS" plans of this project just now ( T'anks Buddy) and I have a certain flair for finding the obtuse design that I want, then Gunner DID commit to help. What MORE could one ask for?
Love this place, Y'all are like brothers and sisters. If Gunner backs out, I'll kidnap YOU..
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
Cant bore ya huh?
Often times we take guests on atv rides. Ill be leading the procession and get off stopping the train. Water break, Ill say . But I will walk ahead to a crossing and kneel by the ground .
DW never questions it .
Guests will ask her , Whats he doing ?
Looking for sign.
huh ??
Tracks . He wants to know whats crossing in that trail hes found. Thats the reaon we are here , its not water.
Why would he do that ?
Why does a dog bark? Thats what he does .
Trapper /Coon hunter
I'm up for it now. We'll see when the time draws nearer LOL. I'm gonna phone tag you back in a second.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
Very nice. I might have the patience to lay the stone. But never to pick it out and haul it home.
Ohhh tipi tipi tipi. Tipi tipi fest, Yes we're gonna party with the very best. Come over to the tipi. Give Andy all your dough. Cause you gotta to pay. If you want to go. Sing along Y'all.
Tipi fest 06. Get hip.
--"POW! got wasped in the face...I was once working from a ladder up at the peak of a roof, about 20' up...a hornet stung me in the middle of the forehead. I leaned back, arms flailing in circles--in a desperate attempt to keep my balance......the flailing only slightly delayed the fall, I then bounced my way down through some tree branches that each slowed my decent but added a few bruises. That was a mess.But not as bad as the time a bee that had climbed into my Pepsi and stung my tongue when I took a drink (my tongue swelled up so big I could not talk or eat...but could still breath--could have been the end of me)I hope you feel better soon.
Hey, I don't think he has a clue. Now he put me on ignore.
good letter. there was a time that castings and metal work in this country were great (from the wpa years to late 60's to early 70's) probaly from that world war 2 boom . after the military and industrial complex started to wane , and another chunk of the farm got wings . i remember the early models vermont castings stoves , they were quite the piece of craftsmanship. i wonder what they look like now.?? .." As the spirit wanes, the form appears."
I gave up expecting anything close to "quality" from China a long time ago. But sadly, we here in the USA ain't doing a whole lot better as far as manu goods or labor.
Fact o' life. If you hold the stick too high, everyone fails, lower the expectations you have, you fail.
One of my most cognizant thoughts was about the expansiveness of the 'Universe'...it is INFINITE, but matter, is FINITE, we only have so much to go around. Keep dividing it and dividing it until light is no longer reflected, and it is GONE...poof.
We become the E=Mc2 real quick in reverse, just a burst or sizzle on the grill.
Cellular division creates the regeneration of loose matter, so theroy wise, I was and am a hamburger. And we are what we eat.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
" I am not an Activist, I am, a Catalyst. I lay around and do nothing, until another ingredient is added"
You'll probably find out it's defective.
Its ALL defective , just to what extent is the key.
Chickens won't care I am sure.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
There is no cure for stupid. R. White.