I’m a DIY but I have to admit my drywall skills are challenged. Here’s my problem. I’ve removed ceramic tile from some drywall. The tile was glued in place. When the tile was removed, the glue removed the surface paper as well – the glue was only in spots, and not many of them. Hence, I mudded over the spots (no tape was used – the spots were maybe only an inch in diameter). Now – I’ve got ripples in these spots, and it feels almost like the patch has air beneath it as I can push the ripple in and it bounces back.
How do I fix this? Do I need to use tape and remud? I friend of mine said to paint the spot with primer as the drywall is sucking the moisture from the mud and then as it drys the ripples continue.
Thoughts and insights are appreciated.
Hang new drywall.
With a utility knife, cut out all those ripples, remove the paper with the air behind. () sort of cuts. You want no loose paper. Prime the whole thing or just the spots with Kilz, non latex if you can find it. Or you can probably use another quick dry, non latex primer. (Kilz latex does work most of the time). I've even had luck priming with a spray primer, kilz comes in that too. Now you can mud over the area w/o causing the paper to lift.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Cut it out like Calvin says, then get some "MH Ready Patch" by Zinsser. (I found it at HD.) It's a premixed patch compound that's solvent based rather than water based. Sticks well to dodgy drywall, and finishes real smooth, even when there's a bit of loose paper around.
As always with taping and repairs, less is more: Plan on making several passes with the patch compound, so don't over-fill the holes. If you do it right you only need light touch-up sanding.
Sealing up the loose paper is exactly what Draw-tite and other drywall conditioners are for. Cut out what you patched - as suggested. Seal it. Mud it. Sand it. Paint it. Done.
"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man." - Mark Twain
GARDZ Damaged Drywall Sealer