romex wire crossing perpendicular to romex wire?
Hi All, I am doing an apartmrnt rehab. My electrician ran the new wiring in a “not so neat way”. I have had other electricians tell me that you shouldn’t cross the path of two different wires. This electrician did. He told me it’s legal and most importantly safe. Which electrician is right? By the way I’m in the Pittsburgh area. Thanks for any help.
I've never heard of any rule regarding crossing Romex. There are rules about having too many wires in a confined area together, but two cables crossing isn't a problem.
No problem
Crossing romex is neither a code violation or a safety issue if all other protection of the wire is followed.
BTW I am a Master Electrcian
There can be issues of "hum"
There can be issues of "hum" introduced into a non-sheilded low voltge line, like telephone or Cat 5, but only when it's run parallel to romex . You actually WANT it to cross the romex at a 90 degree angle to minimize signal interferance.