ROS – variable speed good/not necessary?
Hi all,
I’m going to buy a ROS but am stuck on wanting a PSA disc and variable speed, it seems like an either/or. Do you think variable speed is so great it trumps PSA/cheaper sandpaper? Or do you think for orbital sanding you don’t need more than one speed (fast)?
I don't know what variable speed has to do with the paper type.
I have four ROS and all are single speed. I don't know what I wou;ld use a slower speed for since it seems that would leave more swilrlie marks. Maybe it's for putting on a buffing pad.
You can get these ROS with either the PSA or the velcro pads. Once you use the velcro, you'll never want to use the peel an stick again. At least mine rarely sees any use now.
Excellence is its own reward!
PSA vs. Velco, the sandpaper cost the same thru a major supplier, but my employees eat up the Velcro pads, and they are not cheap. I don't really know how they do it, I have always assumed that they press to hard. I have converted to psa and everyone seems to be happy.
The only time the velcro pads come in handy over psa is if you are going to be switching grit frequently before the paper is worn.
If you use your sander for mainly small projects where you are going to work up through different grits and only have one sander get the hook and loop pad, otherwise your going to be wasting discs.
On the other hand if your not going through different grits frequently there is no need for a hook and loop pad.
As to variable speed I have a sander with vs and I dont remember ever changing the speed intentionaly.
Good luck