Our insulation contractor put up EPS boards on our basement walls and there are still several seams that have some decent-sized gaps. Some of those were filled with canned spray foam, but several other seams still have open gaps and are only covered with what looks like packing tape along them (and it’s already falling off).
Two questions: Should all of the seams with gaps be sealed with the canned foam (and then should those seams be taped)? What’s the right tape to use on the seams if it’s needed? We’re in Minnesota in case that impacts what’s appropriate to use.
I've always used a bit of canned spray foam in the gaps when I've installed rigid foam insulation (in various applications). I've used the 3M All Weather flashing tape (8067, I believe) and SIGA Wigluv tape on XPS and EPS and both seem to adhere well.