I’m installing an electric radient heat mat on 3/4 ” tongue and groove subfloor. Does anyone know if I can put Henrys self leveling underlayment directly onto the wood. The bag says you must prime the wood and put down a galvanized mesh. I’ve already places the mat and leads, does anyone know if I can just pour this stuff right over it. Any chance of it not adhering to the wood. I’m planning on putting thinset ove t this and then installing tile and just want to make sure I won’t have any problems down the line.
Edited 11/11/2007 11:05 pm ET by sapronetti
Edited 11/11/2007 11:13 pm ET by sapronetti
You're saying you skipped the primer and just want to pour the SLC without it? Why take the chance? I would call the company that makes the SLC and run the whole thing by them. All of these companies have tech people waiting to take your call.
thanks! I called the manufacturer and they said this SLC has strong tensile properties making it a poor choice. I've decided to put Thinset directly on the advantec 3/4" tongue and groove. It's only a 4'x6' space.
Well, then I'd talk to the thinset manufacturer and see if they recommend their product right over Advantech. Doesn't seem like a good bonding surface to me, at all.
I wouldn't put SLC over a tongue & groove floor because the T&G would move too much. Can you rip it out an put in at least 3/4" ply? Even better if you can put in a total of 1 1/4" plywood under the SLC. I wonder if you can put down tarpaper first and then pour SLC over wire mesh.
Dave is right -- call the SLC manufacturer.