Shim pt wood on masonry concrete

I searched the forum for this but want to ask again specifically.
We are going to need to shim a pt site-built girder (3-ply 2×10) that will rest on masonry cmu concrete/rebar filled block. We haven’t built the girder yet but pretty sure it will need shimmed around 1/4″.
I understand that shims should be sized so that the girder has full bearing over the shim as opposed to sticking some tiny shims in there, and I have also read that the shim should not be wedge shaped.
Question is – what exactly should we use to shim? When I search for shims, everything I’m seeing sold as a shim is small.
I see a zillion pros/cons of wood vs steel.
We’re in NE Tennessee, can see pretty heavy rainfall and be a very humid environment. Moderate to heavy termite presence.
I’m concerned as I know moisture and wood expansion/shrinking will likely be an issue to some degree. Often the PT wood available around here seems relatively wet.
Crawlspace will be closed, and conditioned eventually with a dehumidifier.
County requires IRC 2018.
Cedar shingles seem like they’d be the easiest to source and cut to exact bearing size needed??
Thank you for any input.
Take some Azek and trim it down to 1/4" use that as the shim. The PVC will stand up to anything.
A steel beam supplier will have composite shims in varying thicknesses and sized for your column top.