For anyone that installs asphalt shingles, these things are great. Mine paid for itself on the first job. Cuts the heavier shingles like butter.
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Been using one for about a year, like a giant paper cutter,wouldn't do a roof without one.
Vince Carbone
Have you had to sharpen the blades yet? I've used it for 500-600 squares with no signs of dulling.
I haven't sharpened the blade yet and right now don't see any need.Along with everything else we do,we only average 250 to 350 sqs per year,so it should last awhile. Vince Carbone
Could you please pass along the brand name and a resource?.......Iron Helix
I've got a Shingle Shear. I bought it at my shingle supplier for $250. There is also a Shingle Shark which has more features and is consequently more expensive. I've been able to do anything I need to with the Shingle Shear. Some operations might be easier or quicker on the Shark. Both are available from Tool Crib@ Amazon.
I'm slow on the rebound.......................thanks!
.........................Iron Helix
Hey, Helix--
Not implying that the shingle shears are a ripoff, not having used one.
FWIW, however, we've been using a $25.00 paper shear from Office Depot for years--(occasionally, about 10 jobs all together) and it works great. Never sharpen the thing, and it will cut through cold laminated architectural shingles with minimal effort. Get those same shingles on a warm day, they're like butter.Syd
That sounds like a steal compared to $250. There is a local used office supply ..........might be worth a trip.
Thanks for the info, otherwise I would have considered a paper cutter too flimsy.
...................................Iron Helix