Hi guys,
Just wondering if any one has a portercable fc350? If so I am curious to know how well it shoots a 3″ ringshank galvanized nail? I am planning some decks in the future and was just curious about its power. It shoots brite nails just fine.
Any replies would be appreciated.
I've used mine for 8d ringshanks galvanized (2.275 length) It handles them OK.
Have not seen 3" gal ringshanks for this nailer , so cannot comment there.
I tried the PC nail starter and found I was grabbing my hammer too often. I wound up buying the Bostich N88ww. 1000 pounds impact and I can sink 3 1/2 inch ring shanks into Dry white oak. So far it hasn't failed and It's reasonably light.
I have the FR350 (round head not clipped) and I can fire 3" ring into anything I've tried including some oak.
However if I were buying a gun for constant use I would opt for the Bostich or Hitachi. Not that I ahve any problems with the PC but I'm not sure how well it will deal with long term use.