The sidewalk from my driveway to my front door is in need of repair. One portion of the pad has heaved (Michigan) enough to make it a tripping hazard. As you can see, on this pad rests a pre cast concrete step, which is crumbling. Behind the pre cast step is a brick face.
Can I remove the bad portion of the pad, properly prepare the base, and form a new portion of the pad and include a poured concrete step? If so, do I need anything between the brick face and that combo poured pad and step? Or should I just pour a new pad and obtain a new pre cast step?
If the piece is small enough, you might be able to lift it, dig out a little dirt and set it back but it might be easier to break it up and pour a new piece.
This looks small enough to be done with bag mix.
If you do pour, be sure you build a good base under it so you don't have to do it again.