I am getting ready to install about 1800 sf of f-c siding and 600 sf of f-c panels on a new house. I will also be installing a combination of Miratec (wood composite) and Azek (pvc) trim. After some thorough research on this site, I’ve decided to go with the Hitachi NV65AH for attaching the siding. Can I use that same gun for the trim? I’m planning on s.s. nails, but am not quite sure what type of nail to use. Any suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Sorry to get off track here but is the wood composite stuff much more expensive than vinyl siding?
I think he's talking about using Fiber Cement, not wood composite. Don't use Masonite, a wood composite. I know two guys that will are going to have the rotten, swollen masonite pulled off their homes and replaced.
I've got fiber cement on my home (installed it myself) and it's good stuff.
You can use the same nails but i would use a casing nail where it will really show on the trim. I got a copy of the hitachi gun, or one that uses the same nails made by supco or something like that for about half price of the hitachi at my nail supplier that works fine for the amount i use it.
What is the name of that nail gun??
As far as nails go, the nails for the trim will have a 7/32" head, which is right around the manufacturers recomendation. The siding nails will also have a 7/32" head but with a smooth shank instead of annular threads. Does that sound right? Thanks
The one i have is a supco brand, but i only bought ut because the shop i buy from will stand behind it. If no one locally sells it I would go with a hitachi. One thing about ordering a nailer online is to make sure you can get nails locally. It isnt as much of a problem now that the big chains sell nails but if you live in a small town there is nothing more frustrating than having a tool sitting in the truck because you are waiting on parts or nails.
The Hitachi gun only shoots nails that are 2 1/2" long. Plus they are 15 gauge nails. I use a hitachi NR83 for trim. Shoots 16d nails w/ full heads & counter sinks them. The hitachi siding gun can do it ,but I like the big nails in the trim. They have more holding power and a better bite. Plus if you are set up for blind nailing the nails are driven flush not counter sunk so you would have to keep changing the setting on the gun.
As for nails I would try http://www.swansecure.com They will have what you need.
I wasn't planning on countersinking the trim nails. According to the Miratec rep, the nails, with a minimum 3/16" head, should be set flush, not countersunk. I was hoping to get one gun that could do both the siding and the trim. I will look into the NR83. As for the nails, I found better prices for the s.s. trim nails at the Maze website. The also carry a hot dipped galvanized nail for the fiber cement. Any experience with Maze?? Thanks for the help.
Don't use an NR83 on your AZEC or similar trim...it's a framing gun and you will not have control over the depth of drive (unless you're into constantly adjusting your compressor. I use the Hitachi NV 75....it is a coil nailer very similar to the NV 65AH. However it will shoot up to a 3" nail if you desire a bigger nail for your trim. Unless the trim is 5/4, a 2 1/2" stainless nail is fine for your trim. I believe that "countersinking" nails into trim with a framing nailer is a poor choice for an installation method. The adjustable "tool-less" depth of drive on the 75 is a great performer. It is also comparitively priced with the 65AH. IMHO it is the perfect gun for FC Siding/PVC (Azek type) siding/trim package.
Maze nails are great. Don't shy away from installing the FC with stainless nails instead of the hot dipped galvy. Add some cost, but with a 50 year siding product like Hardi-plank, I'll trust the stainless over galvy any day.
According to the Miratec rep, the nails, with a minimum 3/16" head, should be set flush, not countersunk. EXACTLY!
Thanks for the advice. I'll look into the NV75.
I looked at the Hitachi NV75AG. It appears to be a better option if it uses the same nails as the NV65AH. Does it?
I can't find a 3" nail (s.s or galvanized) for trim. I am using mostly 5/4 nom. (1") trim. Using a 2-1/2", with 7/16" osb, thats about 1" into framing. Is that sufficient?
Thanks again.
It does use all the same nails as the 65....the plastic collated nails, although expensive, are wonderful. The plastic just feeds out through the top in a big long strip. No little pieces of wire sticking out from under your nail heads.
Check McFeely's for a 3" stainless nail, I think I recall seeing them on their website. I've used 2 1/2" nails in the same situation you are in...no problems thus far, but I agree it would be nice to have that additional 1/2".
That's what I needed to hear. I will be ordering the NV75AG today. Thanks for the info.
I will check McFeely's for the 3". Thanks again.
Yes I have used Maze nails before. You can even get them with painted heads to match the siding or trim. Make sure that you get ring shank nails. They hold really well.
The NR 83 is a framing gun. I use framing nails (16d eg) for my trim (counter sunk) and then fill the holes. It has no depth adjuster on it so you have to set the pressure of the compressor accordingly. Some people use in line regulators also. If you can find a gun that does both that is great.